Grub messages

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Grub messages

Post by Brill »

Hi, ok, my kernel is booting, i think, its in the elf format and gets booted by grub but at the mo it doesn't actually do anything (except set-up the broken gdt but that doesn't output anything to know whether it works or not, except i don't tripple fault so that might be a good sign :)). However, when grub loads the kernel it displays some messages that u have never seen come up before.
The message is:
[Multiboot-elf, <0x100000:0x15:0x0>, <0x101018:0x39:0x0>, shtab=0x102140, entry=0x100000]

Guessing, I think this is just some elf header tables output from grub, but since i never seen it before i don't want to continue coding if it is an error and find out my code that never runs doesn't work either.
Could anyone tell me if i should be concerned with this message or not?

Regards, Brill

RE:Grub messages

Post by carbonBased »

Those are normal grub messages, describing the file format, where it's going to load it, and what not.

From what I can tell (and this is a guess!), here's what they represent:
[format, <start of .code,?,?>, <end of .data,?,?>, end of .bss, entry point]

The second element in the <>'s could, I suppose, be a selector... but, I doubt it.  0x39!?  0x0 could be the base of the selector... they are all supposed to be 0 .. 2^32


RE:Grub messages

Post by Brill »

Cheers, i thought it might be meer informal messages.

Regards, Brill
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