I am having trouble with my assembly function for changing ISR's. It is called "change_isr", and when I link my kernel it says:
undefined reference to 'change_isr'
I've got the prototype in a header file and it is included. I've also tryed putting it directly in the C file, but it shows no difference.
Assembly Function
Re:Assembly Function
C Functions need a leading underscore so in the assembly source rename the function to _change_isr. Like wise if you try to call a C function from asm then prefix an underscore to the function name eg
Code: Select all
global _sharethis
extern _getthis
_sharethis: jmp _getthis
Code: Select all
extern void sharethis();
void gethis();
void getthis()
Re:Assembly Function
This (afaik) doesn't work under linux, as GCC does not prepend the _'s.