You've just repeated what I said, in a round about way.mystran wrote: I think that the "smart kids" aren't necessarily that different from the "averages", except in their interests and experience.
Yes! And intelligence really shines in the "dumbest" Joe when they are interested and motivated.I'm not ready to accept that some tasks rely more on intelligence, while others rely on skill. I mean, I've seen people that were bad at math, but needed to learn it for something they wanted to do, and were helped with enough patience, and managed to become good in math. Really good.
You've just repeated what I said again.Why the "smart" kids can bother to learn derivatives without being shown how Taylor Series work, is that those kids already can think of reasons why derivatives are useful. They are interested enough in the subject to find the applications themselves, or at least "smell" that they might need it for something later.
Ditto.Now, I think that a good teacher is one that can get people interested in the subject at hand. A good math teacher for example should be able to show applications relevant to the student.
Thank you for confirming my suspicions.