Color print routines
Color print routines
Hi can anyone help me with asm colour print routines?
I have one at home but i can't get it to work. It print the character in the right colours but then it starts to move the cursor and beep continousley!!!
Please can someone help?
I have one at home but i can't get it to work. It print the character in the right colours but then it starts to move the cursor and beep continousley!!!
Please can someone help?
Re:Color print routines
You just need to change the attribute byte (the second)
Video Mem Layout
The layout of the attribute byte is here
Video Mem Layout
Code: Select all
Byte 0 1 2 3
Data Char Att. Char Att.
Re:Color print routines
At the moment i'm using bios print routines and so have not yet touched on any others!!!
Re:Color print routines
In that case I don't know. But honestly writing a 80x25 text mode (default) video driver is as easy as anything else in OS Dev. Using graphics modes are another matter but you won't need them for a while.
Re:Color print routines
O.K. one question!
How to tramsfer contents of al to a location in memory
in other words remaking the poke function of qbasic!!!
O.K. one question!
How to tramsfer contents of al to a location in memory
in other words remaking the poke function of qbasic!!!
Re:Color print routines
mov byte [segment:offset], al
Well, I think that is not so hard to implement in asm, I think you might want to revisit some basic assembly, since this question is not related with os programming.
Well, I think that is not so hard to implement in asm, I think you might want to revisit some basic assembly, since this question is not related with os programming.
Re:Color print routines
could i write an opcode to say 0001:0001 then jump to it using JMP 0001:0001, if nt how would I jump to a memory location.
Re:Color print routines
There are many ways to JMP to a particular memory address, and JMP FAR xxxx:yyyy is one of them. Read the NASM manual or the Intel manual for more info.
PS: you don't want to do JMP 0001:0001 as that area is occupied by the interrupt vector table.
PS: you don't want to do JMP 0001:0001 as that area is occupied by the interrupt vector table.