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Yann Kiraly


Post by Yann Kiraly »

Hi. Since my last post I took a different aproach.I am using a Bootloader I found on the web to load my kernel from a FAT12 floppy. Text I/O and ISR`s work fine, but I can`t load anything from the floppy. I tried to write a FAT loader but it didn`t work. Has anyone writen a FAT12 driver? Please post it if you have or if you know any good resources for me to check out.


Post by drizzt »

You can find many working FAT loaders on the web. Try at the Bona Fide OS site (http://www.osdever.net/downloads.php#bootsectors).

If you are looking for a driver to understand how the FAT works you can find a good driver in "The Mobius" operating system - by Tim Robinson - (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mobius/)

Otherwise you can find a FAT12 driver also in my kernel (http://sourceforge.net/projects/minirighi), but it is a bit more confused than the Tim's driver... ;D
Yann Kiraly


Post by Yann Kiraly »

Thanks, I got it working! THanks for your time.
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