Bona Fide OSdev's Fundraiser

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mr. xsism

Bona Fide OSdev's Fundraiser

Post by mr. xsism »

-Excerpt from the Frontpage-
To the OS developer community,

It's time to expand! Currently, Bona Fide OS Development is allowed to use 100MB of space and 10GB of bandwidth each month on a free server provided by the genorosity of NeoPages, the best free host in existance. However, Bona Fide OS Dev currently is using 80MB of the 100MB allowed space, and about 8GB of bandwidth a month out of the 10GB allowed. We currently have approxamtly 300MB of documents and tutorials that we would like to add, but are unable to due to how much space we are allowed by our current host. That's not to mention that the current server we are hosted on is saturated and somewhat slow. And Bona Fide OS Development, receiving about 2000 hits a day(!) isn't helping that.

This is to say one thing, we need to move to a new host with more space, bandwidth, and can handle the amount of hits per day better. Unfortunatly, this isn't an easy thing to do. Bona Fide OS Development is a 100% non-profit site. A server will cost us approxamatly $100(USD) each year. We currently are unable to afford this, so we are asking you to support us via donations. The goal is to raise one hundred dollars(USD) by October 1st, so that we may move to a new server. We are accepting donations via PayPal, all donators will be added to our public Donators List, along with the amount donated(unless they wish to keep it private), a link to their website(as long as the content isn't inappropriate... no p0rn sites, hate sites, etc), and a free POP3 email address(5MB space for each) as soon as we get the new host. As we have said before, all money donated will go directly into this site, we will not be using any of it for ourselves.

The current amount donated is: $0.00
The amount that we still need is: $100.00



Thank you in advance,
The Bona Fide OS Development Team

I think it speaks for itself.

mr. xsism & the Bona Fide OS Development Team
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Re:Bona Fide OSdev's Fundraiser

Post by Pype.Clicker »

i hope you'll find your funds at time (though 10 days sounds very short ...), but i unfortunately cannot help directly as i have no credit card.
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Re:Bona Fide OSdev's Fundraiser

Post by Solar »

Usually I am a strong supporter of the Shareware concept. It might sound as a lame excuse, but:

* I have Bona Fide on my project's link list, but have not yet had any time to actually use it;

* during Amiga times, I did spend > 500 bucks on products I never used, just because I wanted to support the companies - only to see them bail out sometimes as little as two weeks later.

Sorry but I made it a rule to never again pay for something I'm not using. Consider this a "heads up, I'm most likely donating in next year's draft".
Every good solution is obvious once you've found it.
mr. xsism

Re:Bona Fide OSdev's Fundraiser

Post by mr. xsism »

there are actually 13 days. But yes it is a short time, and it might be extended. We already have recieved $35 but cannot yet accept it. We have to verify our account. What's thedeal!? How are we supposed to take doantions when we have no bank account? I thought thatwas the idea with paypal!? We gotta fiugre it out fast...

mr. xsism
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Re:Bona Fide OSdev's Fundraiser

Post by df »

to use paypal you need a verified credit card (from a country they accept in).

basically when you set it up, they send a small debit to your account then refund it. that comes thought with a special number on it, so when you get your bill you type this number it. voila. verified.

ive had paypal for years, since it started. getting verified was a bit of a hassle... i sold my huuuuge games colleciton to Jim Leonard (trixter) of mobygames.. I had a nice tidy sum sitting in my paypal account for AGES coz I couldnt access it...

verification sucks but once you get it done, its piece of cake.
-- Stu --
BI lazy

Re:Bona Fide OSdev's Fundraiser

Post by BI lazy »

I'll donate by writing documents & tutorials. That's all I can afford for I've to keep a living (flat & car & energy & food & so forth) up. There's little to spend away for other things.

Sorry, but that's as it is.

stay safe

@Solar: You at Amiga. I at C64. The both of them crapped out. A shame though it is...
mr. xsism

Re:Bona Fide OSdev's Fundraiser

Post by mr. xsism »

don't worry if you can't afford to donate. We aren't forcing anyone to donate. Only those who can. And like you brought out, there are other ways to donate :)

DF, do you know if i can use a savings account? I don't have a checking account because i'm under 18, but i can get an adult to help me if needed(hopefully that won't be needed).

Thanks everyone for reading.

mr. xsism
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Re:Bona Fide OSdev's Fundraiser

Post by df »

no you need a visa or amex or mastercard.

standard bank account is no good.
-- Stu --
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Re:Bona Fide OSdev's Fundraiser

Post by Solar »

BI lazy wrote: @Solar: You at Amiga. I at C64. The both of them crapped out. A shame though it is...
Well, the C64 was a boxen, and from the start it was clear that its time would pass. The Amiga, on the other hand... ah well. That's history.
Every good solution is obvious once you've found it.
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