nullify wrote:
Solar wrote:I don't like Linux, or any other Unix derivative, because it's Unix. (The list would be too long to post...)
Can you list at least few examples why?
Only if people promise
not to turn this thread into a flamefest...
Please note that the following list does not give reasoning, and refers to all Unix derivatives, i.e. Linux, *BSD, HP-UX, Solaris, etc. etc. pp.
* Unix lacks a generic interface for configuring the system and its applications.
* The command line interface of Unix is probably the most powerful I've ever seen, but lacks severely in the mnemonics / intuitivity department.
* The multitude of different widget toolkits and look&feel hurt the GUI intuitivity severely.
* (The following especially true for the "free" Unixes) "Release early, release often" makes for immature, badly documented products. The attitude of "it's beta, cope" or "go fix it yourself" doesn't sit easy with Joe Average.
* Even with RPM, apt-get etc, Unix lacks a software distribution / installation / management tool I would consider "production grade". (Same goes for Windows.)
* Tools are often forked development, or configured inconsistently. I've seen three subtly different versions of "tar" on three different Unixes.
* Unix lacks a consistent way of providing version numbers. Two, three, or four digit, with "0.99" means "production grade quality since 1980" for one tool, "barely useable" for another.
That's just a few of my gripes.
Any flames please by private message or e-mail. Trust me, I will read them all, but I don't feel like being responsible for another public flamefest.
Assuming Linux is somehow able to put forth usability that is superior to its Windows counterpart, users would be getting better software by migrating, no?
There are several things in "being a kind of Unix" that just cannot be fixed short of a rewrite as a non-Unix OS. I don't consider a Unix-like OS to be a win over Windows.
Linus wants to ensure that whoever uses and/or distributes Linux has the freedom to incorporate DRM if they wish, or leave it out if undesirable.
Linus, IMNSHO, quite frankly, and excuse me for flaming such a high ranking person, obviously lacks the understanding to grasp what this decision will lead to.
But that's
yet another flamebait... perhaps I should just drop out of this discussion.