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push ds
push es
push fs
push gs
mov eax,0x10 ; Data segment
mov ds,eax
mov es,eax
call _int_00 ; Divide by Zero #DE
pop gs
pop fs
pop es
pop ds
Is it neccessary to load the data segments inside each ISR?
All other samples I have seen do not do this so I was wondering why it is done here and if it is needed.
SFX wrote:
Is it neccessary to load the data segments inside each ISR?
It might sound useless as long as you only have a kernel (thus the DS segment never changes -- or at least you believe it doesn't)
but as soon as user-level process will be used, you'll find that user-mode has a different DS selector than kernel (even if just for access right) ... so saving/restoring segments registers like DS, ES, FS and GS (don't forget user code might not be written in C) is mandatory for any ISR.