Code: Select all
int main(void)
OutTextXY(10, 20, "This line is printed at X=10,Y=20");
Code: Select all
int main(void)
OutTextXY(10, 20, "This line is printed at X=10,Y=20");
OutTextXY(10, 20, "This line is printed at X=10,Y=20");
OutTextXY(10, 20, "This line is printed at X=10,Y=20");
Code: Select all
00000546599e[CPU ] load_seg_reg: LDT invalid
00000546599p[CPU ] >>PANIC<< exception(): 3rd (13) exception with no resolution
At first I have thougt that I have to read more sectors in my bootsector. When my code gets bigger, I change the sector number that I read to 10. But then bochs gave me this error:
Code: Select all
00000557167i[BIOS ] FATAL: set_diskette_current_cyl(): drive > 1
00000557466p[BIOS ] >>PANIC<< BIOS panic at rombios.c, line 1563
Is it because a bad script file? Or did I something wrong? Im attaching my whole code(with script file). Ill be glad if someone helps me, Im going to be meddd..
[attachment deleted by admin]