I want to change idt table. I disable all irqs. and here is my structures and codes. But when I execute an interrupt, I get int13 error.
My interrupt descriptor and register structures:
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typedef struct {
word offset_l;
word selector;
byte param_cnt;
byte access;
word offset_h;
} InterruptDescriptor;
typedef struct {
word limit;
dword base;
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extern void isr_00_wrapper();
void SetIDTEntry (InterruptDescriptor *item, word selector, dword offset, byte access, byte param_cnt) {
item->selector = selector;
item->offset_l = offset & 0xFFFF;
item->offset_h = (offset >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
item->access = access;
item->param_cnt = param_cnt;
void intoc()
OutTextXY(10, 10, "Interrupt occured...");
for(;;); //print and hang here..
int main(void)
InterruptDescriptor idt[256];
IDTR idtr;
int a;
InitPIC(0x20, 0x28);
for(a=0; a<256;a++)
SetIDTEntry (&idt[a], 0x08, (word)&isr_00_wrapper, ACS_INT, 0);
idtr.base = (word)&idt;
idtr.limit = sizeof(idt)-1;
lidt (&idtr);
return -1;
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lidt [esp+4]
push ds
push es ; saving segment registers and
pusha ; other regs because it's an ISR
mov ax, 10h
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax ; load ds and es with valid selector
call _intoc ; call actual ISR code
popa ; restoring the regs
pop es
pop ds