This board is having a serious crisis, IMNSHO.
The lack of a clearly visible FAQL has led to
the board being flooded time and again with the
same questions, as more and more novices come
and try to learn about OS coding. This has caused
many of the experienced poster to grow
increasingly exasperated (and snide [glares
at J. Weeks]) as time goes on. This in turn
has driven many newcomers away as they get
insulted for trying to learn the basic facts that
any OS developer needs to know about the PC
Yes, I am aware that there is a links page - but
it placed in such a way that most new posters
never notice it, and even then they have to go
and find the link they need out of that list,
without knowning what resource is good for what.
Further, many of the resources linked there are
out of date. The lack of a prominently linked
and well-maintained FAQ specific to this message
board is a serious handicap.
OTOH, I'd like to point out to the newbies that
they should look through not just the links page
and FAQs, but also the forum history, before
posing an inquiry. Nine out of ten questions
can be answered in this manner with a minimum
of hassle. This will, among other things, save
the forum for genuinely difficult and unusual
board needs a link to the FAQ (if there is one)
RE:board needs a link to the FAQ (if there is one)
>On 2002-02-14 12:54:15, Schol-R-LEA wrote:
I guess FAQ link and more appearing on the bottom of
every message page would be good....todo
I guess FAQ link and more appearing on the bottom of
every message page would be good....todo