I've seen a presetation about that exo-kernel design
developed by the MIT, but I can't find out how
it could be useful.
Anyone really understood it?
The Legend
Why exokernel?
RE:Why exokernel? (no one?)
>On 2002-02-09 15:06:11, The Legend wrote:
>I've seen a presetation about that exo-kernel design
>developed by the MIT, but I can't find out how
>it could be useful.
>Anyone really understood it?
>The Legend
Please, I'm just designing my OS, currently I'm
even not implementing and I don't know what I
should think about that design ...
>I've seen a presetation about that exo-kernel design
>developed by the MIT, but I can't find out how
>it could be useful.
>Anyone really understood it?
>The Legend
Please, I'm just designing my OS, currently I'm
even not implementing and I don't know what I
should think about that design ...