Floppy Disk Driver

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Floppy Disk Driver

Post by AvengerX »

Where can i get a good floppy disk driver and FAT filesystem driver (i am pretty sure i know how to install them, but my methos id QUITE monolithic, building all the drivers into the kernel, i'd like to fix that too... and my libc, how would i mka eit reside ina lib folder instead of having libc.a linked into (i think?) the kernel). i tried downloading the THERX floppy disk driver, but it was a corrupt disk deiver (according to unzip), so i had to download the regular version (which i couldn't use because i didn't have go32.h and don't intend to). come to think of it, I could write my own FAT driver, so focus on the floppy disk driver instead.

Re:Floppy Disk Driver

Post by Therx »

The Therx download is fine but if you want to use it remember that all the timeout settings have to altered as my PIC runs at 1000 Hz.

Re:Floppy Disk Driver

Post by amirsadig »

I have test it but i does not work until now. I have used your timer funktion in your OS, but it still does not work.
did you know you where the error it should be?

Re:Floppy Disk Driver

Post by Therx »

Can I see your modified code?

PS Your OS seems to be developing quickly what have you completed. You could fill out an OSID form at xinit.port5.com/osid/ (I know this isn't complete) and then link to it in your signiture using

Code: Select all

 [ url=http://xinit.port5.com/cgi-bin/directid.pl/your_os_name ]::OSID::[ /url ]

Re:Floppy Disk Driver

Post by amirsadig »

not so big until now.
I have a basic video like beginner OS and keyboard and your Timer and Kernel Memory Manager and Task switsch with TSS.
for testing Task switsch I have used ramdisk to load a small user application which print some text at screen.
It seem to work fine until now. but to make the big advantage in my OS I need to develop Device driver and FS, without FD it is difficult to go ferther. IDE Driver is something difficult to write.
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