They Did It !

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They Did It !

Post by Pype.Clicker »

Apple introduces the OpenGL-based GUI ... this guys are the future of computing ... but at what price$ :-/

Re:They Did It !

Post by Jonathan »

Yep they did. But there are others who is doing it too. But for free! Check it out! Robert is planing to redesign and develop his desktop in Opengl simialair to Apples. Very Very nice

Re:They Did It !

Post by Tim »

Soooo... they used OpenGL instead of QuickDraw, right? So they're using the 3D GPU for 2D data instead of the 2D graphics accelerator? Hmm.
mr. xsism

Re:They Did It !

Post by mr. xsism »

ok, that is kool and all,but whats the big deal? It's just another way to eat away CPU time. Who actually needs a pdf based GUI? What are the advantages if any? I prefer to judge based on the insides, not the mask :)

I thin OSX is pretty stable though. So this new GUI couldn't do too much harm :)

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Re:They Did It !

Post by Pype.Clicker »

have you ever seen that new GUI in action ? it is nice, it is smooth (no flashing refreshes or whatever) and it is powerful ... just moving your cursor around the "dockbar" will prove you what the system is capable of.

You like to see display glitches when scrolling a window ? i don't. And that's something i've never seen on OSX (i don't own one. A friend of mine do ;-)

What's the big stuff about OpenGL displaying the desktop ? it's portable (OpenGL is standardized, unlike M$DX), it's powerful (your GPU is now used even if you don't play Quake :) and unlike the pittiful 2D acceleratorz, it can extend to whatever-your-mind-can-deal-with toyish special effects ...

Re:They Did It !

Post by pskyboy »

Damn, Im too late.

That was teh plan for my OS to have an OpenGL based GUI but looks like i got beaten to it.


Re:They Did It !

Post by K.J. »

Hmm... they beat MS to doing this... just barely. MS has been playing with this idea since Win2k, and it was supposed to be in XP, but has to wait until Longhorn. They aren't using OpenGL though...

I think it's a good idea though. As 2D acceleration isn't gonna be updated anymore, while 3D will be updated forever getting faster, and faster, and faster.
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