This has been one of my long planned goals so far in OSdev. I need so help in pointing me to resources that are good for a beginner. I have already looked at somes src code and a tut or two, but i need more. If someone can explain it to me that'd be cool. email me at monkeykiller4u @ hotmail dot com <- my spam account.
Or if any links can be provided that too would be great. Maybe even some src code, but not EVERYTHING!! I don't want to take anyone's code! thx.
Mr. xsism
Geting a go on memory management
Re:Geting a go on memory management
No source code, but -- read the memory management tutorials I wrote. Afterwards, come back with any questions.
Re:Geting a go on memory management
well, I have actually alread yread these tuts tim, i like them. I printed them out a while ago. I'll read them and come back if i need anything. Here are some questions i need answered:
-if i use a stack approach, how would i figure out what memory pages are free?
-when i dealloc memory,what exactly happens?
-what kind of structures do i need in my code(btw,ii already have some,but just asking)
i already understand a lot. I guess i'm kinda lazy
I've officially started mm today. Thx
Mr. xsism
-if i use a stack approach, how would i figure out what memory pages are free?
-when i dealloc memory,what exactly happens?
-what kind of structures do i need in my code(btw,ii already have some,but just asking)
i already understand a lot. I guess i'm kinda lazy
I've officially started mm today. Thx
Mr. xsism
Re:Geting a go on memory management
If you use the stack approach, all pages put on this stack are free. If you need memory, you pop pages off the stack...-if i use a stack approach, how would i figure out what memory pages are free?
If you want to free/dealloc *physical* memory, you just put the pages back on the stack (when using stack approach)...-when i dealloc memory,what exactly happens?
I don't know what you mean with the structures, sorry...
It all depends what you want to do and especially *how* you want to do may use structures, but you needn't...