About DOS and bootsectors

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[email protected]

About DOS and bootsectors

Post by [email protected] »

I have a question about DOS and bootsectors.
First I was reading down in the forum about using
DOS insted of writing our own kernel. How is that
possible since DOS is owned by M$? Did they make
DOS freeware now ? Ok the other question. You
know when you make a dos bootdisk. You dont have
to put the booting code in sector 0. My microkerne;
I have been learning as I build I always have to
copyboot the bootloader to sector 0 of my floppy.
How is it that in DOS you only have to copy the files
E.G. command.com autoexec.bat etc. Is there a way
to compile my program like that so I wouldnt have
to copyboot it and could just copy my kernel and bootsector?
Anyways thanks for reading. Any info is greatly appericated!
Alexei A. Frounze


Post by Alexei A. Frounze »

>On 2001-05-31 11:27:14, [email protected] wrote:
>E.G. command.com autoexec.bat etc. Is there a way
>to compile my program like that so I wouldnt have
>to copyboot it and could just copy my kernel and bootsector?

Yes, just use my boot sectors BootProg: alexfru.chat.ru
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