XFREE86 Install

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Win32 hater

XFREE86 Install

Post by Win32 hater »

A couple of days ago I downloaded Bigslack from
Slackware. I went to run the Setup and It won't
support any video modes I give it. I have a Dell
E77Os Monitor and an ATI rage 128 pro Graphics
card. I would greatly appreciate any tips or
config files. Thanks!

RE:XFREE86 Install

Post by Chase »

>On 2001-05-06 17:04:46, Win32 hater wrote:
> A couple of days ago I downloaded Bigslack from
>Slackware. I went to run the Setup and It won't
>support any video modes I give it. I have a Dell
>E77Os Monitor and an ATI rage 128 pro Graphics
>card. I would greatly appreciate any tips or
>config files. Thanks!

Try installing as a standard vga with 640x480 and 16 colors.
Then later run XF86config and try doing the setup by hand I've
run into places where XF86Setup didn't work. You may also want to
check and see if your video card is sharing any IRQ's.
Win32 Hater

RE:XFREE86 Install

Post by Win32 Hater »

Still no luck :( When I run XF86Setup and choose
no for the "use XF86Config for default" it goes
into Graphics mode..and gives the error
"Sync. out of Range" I tried to do it all manually
but it still didn't work! Grrrr!
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