Where do i start??

Question about which tools to use, bugs, the best way to implement a function, etc should go here. Don't forget to see if your question is answered in the wiki first! When in doubt post here.

Re:Where do i start??

Post by Berserk »

Oh ok,

Well, i'm improving the code a bit, i'll post it a bit later. I am making functions for Reading from the disk etc, wow, i've come along way ;D

When i first started i didn't even know asm, now i even know how to make functions ;D

Special thanks ro PlayOS for explaining functions in asm to me (It's in a previous post on this thread) ;)

I'll post the code a bit later ;D

Re:Where do i start??

Post by Berserk »


Ok, here's my Kernel:

Code: Select all

extern "C" void MainFunction(void);

void printf(char *msg, unsigned int line)
 unsigned short* video = (unsigned short*)0xB8000;
 unsigned int i = 0;

 i = (line * 80 * 2);

 while (*msg != 0)
  if (*msg == '\n') // check for a new line
   i = (line * 80 * 2);
   video[i] = *msg;
   video[i] = 0x02; // black on green text

//Kernels MainFunction
void MainFunction(void)
 printf("Hello World!", 5);

As you can see it isn't much of a Kernel, but i just can't get it to PrintText!

The MainFunction is called from an asm module (it's in a previous post)

Does anybody know what could be wrong?

I don't think it's anything with the BootLoader.

So, does anybody know what could be wrong?

Re:Where do i start??

Post by Berserk »

Hi Everybody,

Nope, my Kernel is Fine, it's something with the BootSector and Second Stage Loader, i can't seem to figure out what the heck is wrong?

I tried my Kernel with somebody else's BootSector, and it works fine. But with mine it doesn't.

I am going to post my BootSector & SSL Here, Sorry, but i just can't see what is wrong, i have been trying for a couple of hours and i just can't figure it out.

So Somebody Please help out if you can...

Code: Select all

[BITS 16]
[ORG 0x7C00]

;Jump over the Functions & Variables, and goto the BootCode!
 jmp 0x0000:BootCode

 BootDrive db 0                               ;Stores the BootDrive Number

                push es
                push bp
                mov  bp, sp

                mov ax, 0x00                  ;Select Reset Function
                int 0x13                      ;Reset!

                jc Reset_FloppyDisk_Drive     ;If there is an Error, Try Again!

                mov ax, [bp + 16]             ;Segment to load DiskData to
                mov es, ax

                mov bx, [bp + 14]             ;Offset

                mov ah, 0x02                  ;Get the Segment:Offset from ES:BX

                mov ch, [bp + 12]             ;Cylinder
                mov dh, [bp + 10]             ;Head
                mov al, [bp + 8]              ;Sectors to Read
                mov cl, [bp + 6]              ;Sector to Start Reading at

                int 0x13                      ;Read!

                jc Read_FloppyDisk_Sectors    ;If there is an Error, Try Again!

                pop  bp
                pop  es

                ret 12


;Set all the Segment Registers to 0
                mov ax, 0
                mov ds, ax
                mov es, ax
                mov fs, ax
                mov gs, ax

;Save the BootDrive number
                mov [BootDrive], dl

;Setup a RM (Real Mode) Stack
                cli                           ;Disable Interrupts

                mov ax, 0x9000                ;Stack Segment
                mov ss, ax
                mov sp, 0xFFFF                ;Use the whole segment

                mov ax, cs
                mov ds, ax                    ;Set DS == CS

                sti                           ;Enable Interrupts

;Clear the Screen (Changing the Graphics Mode Clears the Screen!)
                mov ah, 0x00                  ;Select, Change Graphics Mode Function
                mov al, 0x03                  ;Select Text Mode 3 as a Graphics Mode
                int     0x10                  ;Call Video Interrupt

;Read in BootLoader
                mov dl, [BootDrive]           ;FloppyDisk Drive to Read From

                push 0x0000                   ;Segment to load DiskData to
                push 0x7E00                   ;Offset

                push 0                        ;Cylinder
                push 0                        ;Head
                push 4                        ;Sectors to Load
                push 2                        ;Sector to Start Loading at

                call _ReadDisk                ;Read!

;Jump to the BootLoader
                mov dl, [BootDrive]           ;Save the BootDrive for use in the BootLoader!

                jmp 0x0000:0x7E00             ;Jump to the BootLoader

 CodePadding    times 510-($-$$) db 0         ;Makes sure the Code is 512 Bytes
 BootSignature  dw 0xAA55
That is my BootSector, My ssl is in the next post --|under this one ;D

Re:Where do i start??

Post by Berserk »

Here's my second stage loader:

Code: Select all

[BITS 16]
[ORG 0x7E00]

;Jump over the Functions & Variables, and goto the BootCode!
 jmp StartOf_Code

 BootDrive db 0

;A Pointer to the location of the GlobalDescriptorTable!
                dw 0xFFFF
                dd 0x00010000

                push es
                push bp
                mov  bp, sp

                mov ax, 0x00                  ;Select Reset Function
                int 0x13                      ;Reset!

                jc Reset_FloppyDisk_Drive     ;If there is an Error, Try Again!

                mov ax, [bp + 16]             ;Segment to load DiskData to
                mov es, ax

                mov bx, [bp + 14]             ;Offset

                mov ah, 0x02                  ;Get the Segment:Offset from ES:BX

                mov ch, [bp + 12]             ;Cylinder
                mov dh, [bp + 10]             ;Head
                mov al, [bp + 8]              ;Sectors to Read
                mov cl, [bp + 6]              ;Sector to Start Reading at

                int 0x13                      ;Read!

                jc Read_FloppyDisk_Sectors    ;If there is an Error, Try Again!

                pop  bp
                pop  es

                ret 12

;PutPixel Function for graphics mode 13
                push es
                push bp
                mov  bp, sp

                mov ax, 0x0A000
                mov es, ax

                mov ax, 320
                mov bx, [bp + 8]

                mul bx

                mov di, ax
                add di, [bp + 10]

                mov al, [bp + 6]


                pop bp
                pop es

                ret 6

                mov [BootDrive], dl

;Read in Kernel
                mov dl, [BootDrive]     ;Drive to Read From

                push 0                  ;Segment to load DiskData to
                push 0x5000             ;Offset

                push 0                  ;Cylinder
                push 0                  ;Head
                push 10                 ;Sectors to Load
                push 6                  ;Sector to Start Loading at

                call _ReadDisk          ;Read!

                jmp Enter_ProtectedMode

;Enter PM (Protected Mode)

 ;Disable Interrupts

;Move the GDT into Memory
                mov ax, 0x1000
                mov es, ax
                mov si, GlobalDescriptorTable
                xor di, di
                mov cx, 6
                rep movsd

;Load the GDT (Global Descriptor Table) Pointer
                lgdt [GDT]

;Set PM (ProtectedMode) Bit
                mov eax, cr0
                or eax,  1
                mov cr0, eax

;Jump into PM Code
                jmp 0x08:In_ProtectedMode

[BITS 32]

;This is where Protected Mode is Entered!

;Put the Data Selector into eax for setting up other registers
                mov eax, 0x10

;Make SS, DS, ES, FS and GS = The Data Selector
                mov ss, eax
                mov ds, eax
                mov es, eax
                mov fs, eax
                mov gs, eax

;Set up a Protected Mode Stack
                mov eax, 0x10
                mov ss,  eax
                mov esp, 0x300000

;Stop the FloppyDisk Drive Motor from Spinning
                mov dl, [BootDrive]

;Select - Stop FloppyDisk Drive Motor Function!
                mov edx, 0x3F2
                mov al,  0x0C

;Stop the Motor:
                out dx, al

                jmp 0x5000


;Null 0x00 Descriptor
                dd 0
                dd 0

;CodeSegment 0x08 Descriptor
                db 11111111b
                db 11111111b
                db 00000000b
                db 00000000b
                db 00000000b
                db 10011010b
                db 11001111b
                db 00000000b

;DataSegment 0x10 Descriptor
                db 11111111b
                db 11111111b
                db 00000000b
                db 00000000b
                db 00000000b
                db 10010010b
                db 11001111b
                db 00000000b


 CodePadding     times 2048-($-$$) db 0
If somebody could please go through it and help me find what's wrong, i have been trying to find out for hours, but it just doesn't work :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Thanks in Advance.....

Re:Where do i start??

Post by Berserk »


Ahhh, it was just a misunderstanding :-[ the code works now. It's amazing how one little thing can screw up the whole thing ;D

Anyways, could one of the moderators please delete this post and my other recent posts about this, because i think that all the code is crowding the thread :-[

So, Could one of the mods please delete the posts that you think don't have any useful info ;D


Re:Where do i start??

Post by Tim »

Anyways, could one of the moderators please delete this post and my other recent posts about this, because i think that all the code is crowding the thread
Damn right your code is crowding the thread. If I see any more code listings from you, I will delete the posts on sight.

Re:Where do i start??

Post by Berserk »

Then delete it.....

Re:Where do i start??

Post by whyme_t »

Berserk wrote: Could one of the mods please delete the posts that you think don't have any useful info
... so tempting to make a comment... but will resist ;)

Re:Where do i start??

Post by Berserk »

I know i know, most of my posts are pointless, and probably annoying. I'm just glad that my Kernel Works ;D
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Re:Where do i start??

Post by Pype.Clicker »

Berserk wrote: Then delete it.....
bersek, you strik3 on my n3rv3s ... if you wish to delete your p0sts, the become a member.

Re:Where do i start??

Post by Berserk »

You mean if i become a member i can delete my own posts?

Re:Where do i start??

Post by beyondsociety »

duh... ;)

Re:Where do i start??

Post by jrfritz »

Yes. And when you get your board up, Berserk, you can even edit and delete and whatever you want when you a administrator.
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Re:Where do i start??

Post by Pype.Clicker »

allelluia ...

hum, anyway, i don't feel like browsing those 9 pages again ... this thread has turned to a complete mess ... i think the best thing to do is to lock it and to get a fresh start ...
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