stuck in the starting!!!

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stuck in the starting!!!

Post by charisma »


i am kinda amteur os dev. i jus started my codin some 1 week before. i have a decent knowledge in C and concepts of OS. asm is not my strong point.

i wrote this small hello-world kernel in C, making the kernel to boot with grub . then i tried my hand into writing clrscr() and printf functions. but unfortunately, my system freezes whenever it sees a function in my kernel. i am a bit stuck here. can anybody helpme out of this.

thnx in advance,
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Re:stuck in the starting!!!

Post by Pype.Clicker »

what exactly works/doesn't work ?

Re:stuck in the starting!!!

Post by charisma »

if i decalre vram inside the kernel main funtion and then try to write it into vram it works. when i write the same procedure in some other funtion and then call it from the kernel main funtion, its not working.
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Re:stuck in the starting!!!

Post by Pype.Clicker »

kinda weird ... perhaps something with your stack size or with your arguments ... could you post the working "main" and the buggy "main+proc" function together with a short description of the execution environment (i.e. what segments are used, with their type, base and limit, at which address your code is loaded, etc.)

Re:stuck in the starting!!!

Post by charisma »

my program kernel.c with the asm calling program start.asm i am stating here...
the virtual address at which the kernel is loaded is 0xE0000000

;the initializations

   global KernelEntry
   extern tinymain
   extern _kernel_load_addr ;this is 0x00101000

   bits 32
   segment .text

;Multiboot header constants

F_PAGE_ALIGN equ 1<<0
F_MEM_FIELDS equ 1<<1

MAGIC       equ 0x1BADB002

   mov esp, _kernel_load_addr
   push ebx
   call init
   align 4
   dd MAGIC      ; Magic
   dd FLAGS      ; Flags
   dd CHECKSUM      ; Checksum


#define WHITE_TXT 0x07

unsigned int k_printf(char *, unsigned int);

void init()
   char *vidmem = (char *) 0xb8000;
   unsigned int i=0;
   while(i < (80*25*2))
      vidmem=' ';
   };//this works
   k_printf("Test",0); //this doesn't work :(

unsigned int k_printf(char *message, unsigned int line) // the message and then the line #
   char *vidmem = (char *) 0xb8000;
   unsigned int i=0;


      if(*message=='\n') // check for a new line
      } else {

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Re:stuck in the starting!!!

Post by Pype.Clicker »

hmm .. your stack initialisation routine seems weird to my sense . how do you ensure that it will have physical memory under 0x101000 ?
If there isn't, the CPU will raise a page fault when you have a stack overflow, but you have no PF handler ... and if you had one, you would have no stack to call it ... i guess this is where your triple fault comes from :)

try to have a

Code: Select all

.section bss
    resd STACK_SIZE

.section code
mov esp, stack_top
that will guarantee you a clean stack

Re:stuck in the starting!!!

Post by Tom »

Try loading your kernel at 0x1000 ( if you can, I don't know if grub allows you ) untill you run out of room, so you can learn for awhile and then worrie about the loading thing ;)
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