VGA hardware cursor and hardware scrolling

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VGA hardware cursor and hardware scrolling

Post by FlashBurn »

I want to know how this 2 things work . It would be nice of you , if you could post some code . I need this for RM , it?s only , if the code is other as the code in PM (bad english !!) .

Re:VGA hardware cursor and hardware scrolling

Post by crazybuddha »

Perhaps this will help get you started

As far as real mode vs pmode, if you're just dealing with ports (using IN/OUT in assembly), it's the same.

Re:VGA hardware cursor and hardware scrolling

Post by FlashBurn »

I?ve tried to write this code in asm , but when I want to write a value out to the register 0x3d4 NASM says me "invalid combination of opcodes and operands" .
Here is my code :

???mov al,80
???mul byte[spalte]
???mov bx,ax
???mov al,[zeile]
???add bx,ax
???out 0x3D4,14
???mov dx,bx
???shr dx,8
???out 0x3d5,dx
???out 0x3d4,15
???out 0x3d5,bx

Re:VGA hardware cursor and hardware scrolling

Post by alfhiger »

out 0x3D4,14 is not allowed

mov al, 14
mov dx, 0x3D4
out dx, al

Re:VGA hardware cursor and hardware scrolling

Post by crazybuddha »

It's not allowed because you can't use a constant (a number) if it's bigger than one byte.
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