Quick review: (1) boot sector loaded by BIOS is 512 bytes (2) the code in the boot sector of the disk is loaded by the BIOS at 0000:7c00 (3) machine starts in real mode (4) be aware that the CPU is being interrupted unless you CLI
Many (but not all) BIOS interrupts expect DS to be filled with a real-mode segment value. This is why many BIOS interrupts won't work in protected mode. So if you want to use int 10h/ah=0eh to print to the screen, then you need to make sure that your seg:offset for the characters to print is correct.
It doesn't matter if you use 0000:7c00 or 07c0:0000, but if you use ORG, you need to be aware of what's happening.
mov ax, 0x07c0
mov ds, ax
mov si, msg
or al,al ;zero=end of str
jz hang ;get out
mov ah,$0e
int $10
jmp ch_loop
jmp hang
msg db 'Welcome to Macintosh', 13, 10, 0
times 512-($-$$) db 0
Here's the ORG version. Note that you still need to tell DS what to be
[ORG 0x7c00]
xor ax, ax ;make it zero
mov ds, ax
mov si, msg
or al,al ;zero=end of str
jz hang ;get out
mov ah,$0e
int $10
jmp ch_loop
jmp hang
msg db 'Welcome to Macintosh', 13, 10, 0
times 512-($-$$) db 0
New topic: Typically 'procedures' are separated from the code using CALL/RET like he following
[ORG 0x7c00]
xor ax, ax ;make it zero
mov ds, ax
mov si, msg
call bios_print
jmp hang
msg db 'Welcome to Macintosh', 13, 10, 0
or al,al ;zero=end of str
jz done ;get out
mov ah,$0e
int $10
jmp bios_print
times 512-($-$$) db 0
For some inexplicable reason, loading SI *then* jumping to the procedure lways bugged me. Fortunately for psychos like me NASM's macros let you retend that you are passing a parameter (macro definition has to go before t's being called).
%macro BiosPrint 1
mov si, word %1
or al,al ;zero=end of str
jz done ;get out
mov ah,$0e
int $10
jmp ch_loop
[ORG 0x7c00]
xor ax, ax ;make it zero
mov ds, ax
BiosPrint msg
jmp hang
msg db 'Welcome to Macintosh', 13, 10, 0
times 512-($-$$) db 0
And in case your code is becoming long and unreadable, you can break it up into ifferent files, then include the files at the beginning of your main code. Like o:
jmp main
%include "othercode.inc"
;... rest of your code here
baby steps #2 - bios print
Re:baby steps #2 - bios print
Thanks crazybuddha,I for one found them interesting and look forward to the next installment ;D
Re:baby steps #2 - bios print
I'm a newbie OS developer (and new to asm too ;D), but reading the nasm docu I believe it would be better to use macro-local lables, so you can use the macro more than once:
; Define macro with one Argument
%macro BiosPrint 1
; Set si to string address
mov si, word %1
; Load byte-string from si (esi in 32 bit mode)
; Check for null byte
or al, al
jz done
; Invoke bios-interrupt
mov ah, 0x0E
int 0x10
jmp %%ch_loop
Have fun,
Btw. Nice snippets crazybuddha!
; Define macro with one Argument
%macro BiosPrint 1
; Set si to string address
mov si, word %1
; Load byte-string from si (esi in 32 bit mode)
; Check for null byte
or al, al
jz done
; Invoke bios-interrupt
mov ah, 0x0E
int 0x10
jmp %%ch_loop
Have fun,
Btw. Nice snippets crazybuddha!