Newbie: Help with writing a GUI

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Jordan C.

Newbie: Help with writing a GUI

Post by Jordan C. »

:-/ I need a lot of a complete newbie to OSDEV.

Whats the best language for a GUI? NOT A COMPLETE OS, JUST the GUI. Like those Windows X things you see on QB freeware sites. I'm kinda hopin' for a BASIC language. I'm getting on in GW, I'm learning QB, and I'm going to learn BS.

So, what's the best language for a GUI? Or am I in the wrong forum ;D?

-[email protected]

Re: Newbie: Help with writing a GUI

Post by Jordan_C. »

;) :Dhehe im a member now hehe :D ;)

Re: Newbie: Help with writing a GUI

Post by citizen428 »

IMHO the best language for a GUI would bei C++. Doing GUIs without an non object orientend language is not the thing considered to be funny...

Re: Newbie: Help with writing a GUI

Post by Jordan_C. »

???odd, i've downloaded at least one perfectly good one in QB...

Re: Newbie: Help with writing a GUI

Post by Jordan_C. »

:-[I didn't make this clear....I just want to do a shell....oops. :-[

Re: Newbie: Help with writing a GUI

Post by citizen428 »

:-[I just want to do a shell :-[
shell != GUI, or even more accurate: shell == !GUI ;)

But talking 'bout GUIs my vote goes still for C++!

Re: Newbie: Help with writing a GUI

Post by Jordan_C. »

O, IC. C++, you say? I'll look in to it. I wanted to learn that anyway.

Re: Newbie: Help with writing a GUI

Post by K.J. »

If you decide to write one in C++ check out the source code for the extended operating system loader:


Re: Newbie: Help with writing a GUI

Post by Jordan_C. »

:-[Another thing I rather forgot to mention....this is only meant to be text-based, no gfx...

Re: Newbie: Help with writing a GUI

Post by K.J. »

If you want something like DOS then just use your lanuages print and input routines as needed. Or do I not understand what you want to really do?


Re: Newbie: Help with writing a GUI

Post by Jordan_C. »

If you want something like DOS then just use your lanuages print and input routines as needed. Or do I not understand what you want to really do?
No, that's exactly what I want to do. I guess my real question is: How do I get it to boot on my computer? ???
I've got the QB 4.5, which means I can compile to .exe files, if this helps anyone answer the q... ::)

Re: Newbie: Help with writing a GUI

Post by K.J. »

Umm, QB 4.5 outputs EXEs like you said. I think that you could probably boot one it outputs if you used if you used one of Alexei A. Frounze's bootsectors that load EXEs. I'd give you a link but all his sites seem to be down right now :(. Still I think that QB 4.5 uses DOS functions to print text on the screen. These of course won't work without DOS, so if you probably can't make a OS with QB 4.5 unless you use some assembly(I think that QB 4.5 does have assembly but I don't know for sure).

BTW, it seems like what you really want is just a simple little text-based OS. Is this so?


Re: Newbie: Help with writing a GUI

Post by Jordan_C. »

BTW, it seems like what you really want is just a simple little text-based OS. Is this so?
Well, right now, I just want the shell to get my feet wet.
Eventually, yes. All I want to program is a simple, no-frills text-based OS. Basically, this is also to get my feet wet in actual OSDEV. My far-away-and-practically-unacheivable[sp?]-at-this-point goal is a resonably complex text-based. I don't want to mess with gfx, I never like messing with them in any of my programming. I don't know what I was saying, because you don't boot shells, they run on top of OSs :-[ so actually, I don't (YET) need the booting help. Unless, that is, you think it might be a little nicer to boot a qb shell in it's own, since a qb os shell is essentially a qb program.

[move]Isn't it kinda annoying how I keep back-tracking on my own words? Toldja I was a newbie :-[[/move]
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