Yes, logos are still being excepted. And, if anyone out there wants to make a quick logo via the web then check out this site:
The The Crazy OS Guy said that this is where he made his two entries.
And it's okay if you've been busy lately. As it is, the numbering systems tutorial, probably won't be up till the end of the week and that will only be part1(I relized that I really needed to make it a 2 part tutorial) 'cause I've been kinda busy as well.
Anybody interested in helping me make...
Re: Anybody interested in helping me make...
>:( >:( >:( >:(Now I'm mad (obviously). My replacement for MSPAINT, since it isn't working, DOESN'T ALLOW ME TO PAINT and I CAN'T FIND ANY OTHER PROGRAM (free) TO DO IT WITH! So, it looks like my entry will either be really late or non-existant. ::)
Re: Anybody interested in helping me make...
hey, i have found a site that has a lot of OS Dev papers and stuff about anything you could ever want to know about designing your own OS:
i do not know if you have been there before but I think its awesome
i do not know if you have been there before but I think its awesome
Re: Anybody interested in helping me make...
Thanks for the link though I've been there before. I'm thinking about asking the owner of the site about mirroring some of the docs he has there on my site though.
The end date of the contest is March 15. Hopefully you'll have enough time to get one in by then. I don't know if you looked at the site that I mentioned in my last post( ) but you can quickly and easily make a logo there. Have you checked Tucows( ) or ZDNet Downloads ( ) for a free paint program? If you get into even a little bit of computer graphics, I suggest that you either try, The Gimp( ) which is FREE and availible for Windows and Linux or if you don't mind the $100(US) price tag, try Paint Shop Pro( ) it's shareware(you can download a 30 day trial), but you can find it in most computer stores. I use Paint Shop Pro and am very happy with it.
The due date for all Logo/SiteDesign contest entries is March 15. Voting will continue until March 20. Then the winning Logo/SiteDesing will be announced and on the site!
Thanks for the link though I've been there before. I'm thinking about asking the owner of the site about mirroring some of the docs he has there on my site though.
The end date of the contest is March 15. Hopefully you'll have enough time to get one in by then. I don't know if you looked at the site that I mentioned in my last post( ) but you can quickly and easily make a logo there. Have you checked Tucows( ) or ZDNet Downloads ( ) for a free paint program? If you get into even a little bit of computer graphics, I suggest that you either try, The Gimp( ) which is FREE and availible for Windows and Linux or if you don't mind the $100(US) price tag, try Paint Shop Pro( ) it's shareware(you can download a 30 day trial), but you can find it in most computer stores. I use Paint Shop Pro and am very happy with it.
The due date for all Logo/SiteDesign contest entries is March 15. Voting will continue until March 20. Then the winning Logo/SiteDesing will be announced and on the site!
Re: Anybody interested in helping me make...
Ya K.J., I'm probibly going to use an online tool thingy. While not the flaming text one (wasn't very impressed with it for my site), I'll find something. Yes, I've tried Tucows, ZDNet,, everywhere. Thanx for the links, tho. I'll check Tucows again. I'm sure I'll get it in by March 15 ::), even tho by then you'll have much better submissions than mine, since I like plain-text animated logos. ;D
Re: Anybody interested in helping me make...
Well, let me know if you find a good "online tool thingy".
Re: Anybody interested in helping me make...
Did an update to the site today. Added Computers and Numbering Systems Part 1, some new links, and An Overview of Monolithic and Micro Kernels.
Re: Anybody interested in helping me make...
Please post all new posts for this topic under "Bona Fide OS Development".