I've been sitting on this one for a while. Finished it almost 2 years ago with the intention of doing a full write-up on it as a series of blog posts, but I've just not had the time.
Bottom line; I've built a fully (hopefully) working version of the game sokoban as an MBR using mode 13h for graphics and a PC speaker for audio. This was mainly an exploration project for myself to tinker with pure x86 asm, but I'm quite happy with the result.
Before I do a full write up/blog series about this, I figured I'd link it here in case anyone wants to look at it. Bear in mind that this is my first serious pure x86 asm project (though I've previously written drivers and other low-level stuff), so I'm not just looking for feedback on the actual functionality of the thing, but - perhaps even more - on the code, quality and design choices.
Perhaps too big an ask, but I have to start somewhere to get some feedback

Repo with more instructions is here; https://github.com/gboor/x86asmban
Thanks in advance to anyone who wants to have a look!