My code reads as follows:
Code: Select all
.section .bss
.global stack_top
.align 16
.skip 16384
.align 4096
.skip 4096
.skip 4096
.section .multiboot.text, "a"
.global _start
.type _start, @function
/* Place the page table in the page directory; it should be the 768'th page table out of 1024 */
movl $(boot_pt - 0xC0000000), %esi
movl $(boot_pd - 0xC0000000), %edi
orl $0x3, %esi
movl %esi, 0xC00(%edi)
/* Map 0x00XXXyyy to 0xC0XXXyyy for all X from 0 to 0x3FF (first 4 MiB of physmem) */
movl $0, %ecx
movl %esi, %edi
andl $0xFFFFFFFC, %edi
cmpl $0x3FF, %ecx
jg 2f
/* The entry in the page table is boot_pt - 0xC0000000 + 4 * %ecx, our page is 4096 * %ecx */
movl %ecx, %esi
shll $12, %esi
orl $0x3, %esi
movl %esi, (%edi, %ecx, 4)
incl %ecx
jmp 1b
/* Tell them where our page directory is and enable CR0's PG bit */
movl $(boot_pd - 0xC0000000), %edi
movl %edi, %cr3
movl %cr0, %edx
orl $0x80000000, %edx
movl %edx, %cr0
movl $kernel_begin, %edx
jmp *%edx
.size _start, . - _start
.section .text
[... set up stack and enter C kernel ...]
Code: Select all
movl $kernel_begin, %edx
The monitor's logs aren't much more than those obtained by -d int. Both using gdb to inspect the memory at CR3 and using the monitor's info mem and info tlb commands shows that the desired mapping is present, read-write. So why on earth does moving an immediate into EDX page fault? Screenshots attached.