For example, here are the stacks in physical memory after running fork(), where esp is marked with a left arrow (<):
Code: Select all
**** PARENT (first fork) esp: 0xC020EF94 ****
0x20EF80: 0xC0205014
0x20EF84: 0xC020EF80
0x20EF88: 0xC0211000
0x20EF8C: 0x0
0x20EF90: 0xC0204E45
0x20EF94: 0xC0209EA8 <
0x20EF98: 0xC020EF94
0x20EF9C: 0xC020F000
0x20EFA0: 0xC020EFCC
0x20EFA4: 0xC0204E45
0x20EFA8: 0x4000
**** CHILD (first fork -> PID 1) esp: 0xBFFFFF94 ****
0x803F80: 0xC0204FD8
0x803F84: 0x20B000
0x803F88: 0x800000
0x803F8C: 0x0
0x803F90: 0xC0204E45
0x803F94: 0xC0209EA8 <
0x803F98: 0xC020EF94
0x803F9C: 0xC020F000
0x803FA0: 0xC020EFCC
0x803FA4: 0xC0204E45
0x803FA8: 0x4000
**** PARENT (second fork) esp: 0xC020EF94 ****
0x20EF80: 0xC0205014
0x20EF84: 0xC020EF80
0x20EF88: 0xC0211000
0x20EF8C: 0x4000
0x20EF90: 0xC0204E45
0x20EF94: 0xC0200030 <
0x20EF98: 0xC020EF94
0x20EF9C: 0xC020F000
0x20EFA0: 0xC020EFCC
0x20EFA4: 0xC0204E45
0x20EFA8: 0x4000
**** CHILD (second fork -> PID 2) esp: 0xBFFFFF94 ****
0x807F80: 0xC0204FD8
0x807F84: 0x20B000
0x807F88: 0x804000
0x807F8C: 0x4000
0x807F90: 0xC0204E45
0x807F94: 0xC0200030 <
0x807F98: 0xC020EF94
0x807F9C: 0xC020F000
0x807FA0: 0xC020EFCC
0x807FA4: 0xC0204E45
0x807FA8: 0x4000
Code: Select all
**** SCHEDULER esp (PID=1): 0xBFFFFF94 ****
0x803F80: 0xC0204FD8
0x803F84: 0x20B000
0x803F88: 0x804000
0x803F8C: 0x4000
0x803F90: 0xC0204E45
0x803F94: 0xC0200030 <
0x803F98: 0xC020EF94
0x803F9C: 0xC020F000
0x803FA0: 0xC020EFCC
0x803FA4: 0xC0204E45
0x803FA8: 0x4000
**** CHILD (FORKED) esp: 0xBFFFFF94 ****
0x803F80: 0xC0204E6D
0x803F84: 0xBFFFFF80
0x803F88: 0xC021F000
0x803F8C: 0x4000
0x803F90: 0xC0204E45
0x803F94: 0xC0200030 <
0x803F98: 0xC020EF94
0x803F9C: 0xC020F000
0x803FA0: 0xC020EFCC
0x803FA4: 0xC0204E45
0x803FA8: 0x4000
Code: Select all
**** SCHEDULE esp (PID=2): 0xBFFFFF94 ****
0x807F80: 0x0
0x807F84: 0x0
0x807F88: 0x0
0x807F8C: 0x0
0x807F90: 0x0
0x807F94: 0x0 <
0x807F98: 0x0
0x807F9C: 0x0
0x807FA0: 0x0
0x807FA4: 0x0
0x807FA8: 0x0
**** CHILD (FORKED) esp: 0xBFFFFF94 ****
0x807F80: 0xC0204E6D
0x807F84: 0xBFFFFF80
0x807F88: 0xC022A000
0x807F8C: 0x0
0x807F90: 0x0
0x807F94: 0x0 <
0x807F98: 0x0
0x807F9C: 0x0
0x807FA0: 0x0
0x807FA4: 0xC0204E45
0x807FA8: 0x0
Here are some relevant code snippets, for context - and I should probably make the repo public too - the branch for this issue is at I understand this is very complicated so I'm not expecting anyone to read the whole thing - but hopefully this helps for understanding control flow, what the stack is doing, and the like.
1. Fork
Code: Select all
extern uint32_t read_eip();
uint32_t fork() {
asm volatile ("cli");
process_t *new_process = create_task(NULL, current_process->stack_size, clone_page_directory(current_pd), 0, 0, 0);
new_process->status = TASK_STATUS_FORKED; //don't run yet (set to TASK_STATUS_FORKED when we're ready to run it)
process_t *parent_process = current_process;
uint32_t eip = read_eip();
asm volatile ("cli");
if (current_process == parent_process) {
uint32_t esp, ebp;
asm volatile ("mov %%esp, %0" : "=r" (esp));
asm volatile ("mov %%ebp, %0" : "=r" (ebp));
//copy the stack from the current process and update pointers
uint32_t old_stack_offset = parent_process->stack_pos - esp;
//copy all pages
uint32_t smaller_stack = (current_process->stack_size < new_process->stack_size) ? current_process->stack_size : new_process->stack_size;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < smaller_stack; i += 0x1000) {
uint32_t phys = virt_to_phys(parent_process->stack_pos - i - 0x1000, parent_process->pd);
uint32_t new_phys = virt_to_phys(new_process->stack_pos - i - 0x1000, new_process->pd);
phys_copypage(phys, new_phys);
new_process->esp = new_process->stack_pos - old_stack_offset;
new_process->ebp = new_process->esp + (ebp - esp);
new_process->entry_or_return = eip;
asm volatile ("sti");
return new_process->pid;
} else {
asm volatile ("sti");
return 0;
Code: Select all
process_t *create_task(void *entry_point, uint32_t stack_size, page_directory_t *pd, int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {
process_t *new_process = (process_t *)kmalloc(sizeof(process_t));
asm volatile ("cli");
if (current_process->pid != 0) {
//free the previous stack's pages
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < current_process->stack_size; i += 0x1000) {
free_page(virt_to_phys(current_process->stack_pos - i, pd), pd);
uint32_t stack = 0xC0000000 - stack_size;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < stack_size; i += 0x1000) {
page_table_entry_t first = first_free_page();
alloc_page_kmalloc(stack + i, first.pd_entry * 0x400000 + first.pt_entry * 0x1000, true, false, true, pd);
stack = 0xC0000000;
new_process->pid = next_pid++;
new_process->next = NULL;
new_process->num_fds = current_process->num_fds;
new_process->max_fds = 256;
new_process->pd = pd;
new_process->status = TASK_STATUS_INITIALIZED;
new_process->esp = (uint32_t)stack;
new_process->ebp = (uint32_t)stack;
new_process->stack_pos = stack; //static location of the stack top in memory
new_process->stack_size = stack_size;
new_process->argc = argc;
new_process->argv = argv;
new_process->envp = envp;
memset(new_process->fds, 0, sizeof(new_process->fds));
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
if (current_process->fds[i] != NULL) {
new_process->fds[i] = copy_descriptor(current_process->fds[i], i);
} else {
new_process->fds[i] = NULL;
// Add to linked list
process_t *curr_process = head_process;
while (curr_process->next != NULL) {
curr_process = curr_process->next;
curr_process->next = new_process;
new_process->entry_or_return = (uint32_t)entry_point;
return new_process;
Code: Select all
void timer_interrupt_handler(uint32_t ebp, uint32_t esp)
outb(0x20, 0x20); //this isn't a regular IRQ handler, this is coming directly tables_asm, so we need to send an EOI to the PIC
process_t *old_process = current_process;
if (old_process->status == TASK_STATUS_RUNNING)
// Already running, so save context
old_process->ebp = ebp;
old_process->esp = esp;
process_t *new_process = old_process->next;
if (new_process == NULL)
new_process = head_process; // If we ran off the end of the list, go back to the beginning
while (new_process->status != TASK_STATUS_RUNNING && new_process->status != TASK_STATUS_INITIALIZED && new_process->status != TASK_STATUS_FORKED)
new_process = new_process->next;
if (new_process == NULL)
new_process = head_process; // If we ran off the end of the list, go back to the beginning
current_process = new_process;
terminal_printf("pswitch %d -> %d\n", old_process->pid, new_process->pid);
terminal_printf("New stack physLoc: 0x%x\n", virt_to_phys(new_process->stack_pos - 0x1000, new_process->pd));
if (new_process->status == TASK_STATUS_INITIALIZED)
new_process->status = TASK_STATUS_RUNNING;
// First time running, so set up stack and jump to entry point
asm volatile ("mov %0, %%cr3" : : "r" (new_process->pd->phys_addr));
current_pd = new_process->pd;
uint32_t stack = new_process->stack_pos;
if (new_process->argv != NULL) {
uint32_t argc = 0;
uint32_t argv_size = 0;
argc = 0;
while (new_process->argv[argc] != NULL) {
argv_size += strlen(new_process->argv[argc]) + 1;
stack -= (argc + 1) * sizeof(char *); // argv + NULL
char **new_argv = (char **)stack;
stack -= argv_size; // argv strings
uint32_t new_argv_pos = stack;
//copy the arguments
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
new_argv[i] = (char *)new_argv_pos;
strcpy((char *)new_argv_pos, new_process->argv[i]);
new_argv_pos += strlen(new_process->argv[i]) + 1;
new_argv[argc] = NULL;
new_process->argv = new_argv;
if (new_process->envp != NULL) {
uint32_t envp_size = 0;
uint32_t envc = 0;
if (new_process->envp != NULL) {
while (new_process->envp[envc] != NULL) {
envp_size += strlen(new_process->envp[envc]) + 1;
stack -= (envc + 1) * sizeof(char *); // envp + NULL
char **new_envp = (char **)stack;
stack -= envp_size; // envp strings
uint32_t new_envp_pos = stack;
//copy the environment
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < envc; i++) {
new_envp[i] = (char *)new_envp_pos;
strcpy((char *)new_envp_pos, new_process->envp[i]);
new_envp_pos += strlen(new_process->envp[i]) + 1;
new_envp[envc] = NULL;
new_process->envp = new_envp;
//adjust the new process' esp
new_process->esp = stack;
asm volatile ("mov %0, %%esp" : : "r" (new_process->esp));
asm volatile ("mov %0, %%ebp" : : "r" (new_process->ebp));
asm volatile ("sti");
//set the function up as an function returning an int
int return_code = init_program(new_process->argc, new_process->argv, new_process->envp, (void *)new_process->entry_or_return);
asm volatile ("cli");
new_process->entry_or_return = return_code;
//remove the process from the scheduler
kpanic("Something went wrong with the scheduler!");
} else if (new_process->status == TASK_STATUS_FORKED) {
// We're just returning to the parent process' address, so set esp/ebp and jump to entry
asm volatile ("mov %0, %%cr3" : : "r" (new_process->pd->phys_addr));
current_pd = new_process->pd;
new_process->status = TASK_STATUS_RUNNING;
asm volatile ("mov %0, %%esp" : : "r" (new_process->esp));
asm volatile ("mov %0, %%ebp" : : "r" (new_process->ebp));
asm volatile ("sti");
asm volatile ("jmp *%0" : : "r" (new_process->entry_or_return));
asm volatile ("mov %0, %%cr3" : : "r" (new_process->pd->phys_addr));
current_pd = new_process->pd;
asm volatile ("mov %0, %%esp" : : "r" (new_process->esp));
asm volatile ("mov %0, %%ebp" : : "r" (new_process->ebp));
asm volatile ("popa");
asm volatile ("sti");
asm volatile ("iret");
kpanic("Something went wrong with the scheduler!");
Code: Select all
void kernel_main() {
asm volatile ("cli");
fopen("/dev/kbd0", "r"); // stdin
fopen("/dev/trm", "r+"); // stdout
fopen("/dev/trm", "r+"); // stderr
asm volatile ("sti");
uint32_t pid = fork();
terminal_printf("Fork returned %d for PID (f1)%d\n", pid, getpid());
if (pid == 0) {
terminal_printf("Hello from child!\n");
terminal_printf("First fork PID is %d\n", getpid());
while (true);
} else {
terminal_printf("Hello from parent!\n");
terminal_printf("After fork, PID is %d\n", getpid());
//fork again!
terminal_printf("prefork PID: %d\n", getpid());
pid = fork();
terminal_printf("Fork returned %d for PID (f2)%d\n", pid, getpid());
if (pid == 0) {
terminal_printf("Hello from child 2!\n");
terminal_printf("Second fork PID is %d\n", getpid());
while (true);
} else {
terminal_printf("Hello from parent 2!\n");
terminal_printf("After second fork, PID is %d\n", getpid());
asm volatile ("cli");
process_t *new_process = process_load_elf("/mnt/ramdisk/bin/xansh.elf");
terminal_printf("Process loaded with PID %d\n", new_process->pid);
while (new_process->status != TASK_STATUS_FINISHED) {}
terminal_printf("\nProcess finished with code 0x%x\n", new_process->entry_or_return);
terminal_printf("Kernel is finished running. Press q to page fault!\n");
char buf;
file_descriptor_t *kbd = stdin;
while (true) {
int read = fread(&buf, 1, 1, kbd);
if (read != 0) {
if (buf == 'q') {
terminal_printf("%c", *(char *)0xA0000000);