Code: Select all
(0) [0x000000402f42] 0008:0000000000402f42 (unk. ctxt): add eax, 0x2345e064 ; 0564e04523
<bochs:8> s
Next at t=1451281218
(0) [0x000000402f47] 0008:0000000000402f47 (unk. ctxt): add dword ptr ds:[eax], eax ; 0100
Code: Select all
.text:00402F42 add eax, offset word_40E064
.text:00402F47 movzx eax, word ptr [eax]
What's more interresting. I started having this issue after changing this line of code:
Code: Select all
terminal_print(term, "\tAvailable memory: %uMB\n", memory_get_available()/1024/1024);
Code: Select all
terminal_print(term, "\tAvailable memory: %uMB\n", memory_get_available()/1000000);
I have absolutely no idea what is going on in here. Can you help me with understanding it?