bootloader somehow switches into a weird text mode

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bootloader somehow switches into a weird text mode

Post by MESYETI »

i made a bootloader and i made it boot into a hello world program, and it switches to some weird text mode
i want it to be in the 80x25 text mode but even if i switch to it in the kernel code it does not change, this is the kernel code:

Code: Select all

bits 16
org 0x1000

jmp kernel

	db "Welcome to NightlightOS", 0

	; switch to text mode
	mov ah, 0x00
	mov al, 0x00
	int 0x10

	mov ah, 0x00
	mov al, 0x00
	int 0x10
	mov ah, 0x0E
	mov si, bootMsg
		cmp al, 0
		je $
		int 0x10
		jmp .loop
and this is the bootloader
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Re: bootloader somehow switches into a weird text mode

Post by Octocontrabass »

Code: Select all

	mov ah, 0x00
	mov al, 0x00
	int 0x10
You're selecting a 40x25 text mode, not 80x25.
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