To context switch, I do the following:
1: Allocate a new stack
2: Push the current stack pointer and the function to be called onto the heap
3: Store a reference to that data in the r15 register
4: Set the stack pointer to the new allocated stack and jump to a load function
5: Load the old stack pointer and call the function
6: After the function, set the stack pointer to the old stack pointer and call an empty function to pop the stack
However, when the load function returns, a General Protection Fault is thrown, with the instruction pointer being an obviously wrong value because my kernel is higher half. So that makes me question: Where should I jump back? I can't jump to the instruction after 4 (where my code was before the swap) because I'd have to save the instruction pointer before the swap, so I'd jump right back to the swap. I was hoping the empty function would pop the stack back to where it should be but it looks like it doesn't.
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const STACK_SIZE: usize = 0x7C00 - 0x500;
pub struct SavedState {
pub stack: *mut u8,
impl SavedState {
pub fn load(&self) {}
pub fn swap(&self, target: *mut SavedState) {}
impl Drop for SavedState {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
ALLOCATOR.dealloc((self.stack as usize - STACK_SIZE) as *mut u8, Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(STACK_SIZE, 8));
struct TempData {
stack: *mut u8,
target: fn(SavedState, u8),
arg: u8,
pub fn save_state(target: fn(SavedState, u8), arg: u8) {
unsafe {
//Get a new stack
let stack = (ALLOCATOR.alloc_zeroed(Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(STACK_SIZE, 8)) as usize + STACK_SIZE) as *mut u8;
//Load current stack pointer
let pointer: *mut u8;
asm!("mov {}, rsp", out(reg) pointer);
//Push temp data
let temp = ALLOCATOR.alloc_zeroed(Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(size_of::<TempData>(), 8));
ptr::write(temp as *mut TempData, TempData { stack: pointer, target, arg });
//Send temp data to loaded function
asm!("mov r15, {}", in(reg) temp, options(nomem, nostack, preserves_flags));
//Switch to new stack
switch_state(stack, load_state as *mut fn());
pub unsafe fn safe_return() {
unsafe fn switch_state(stack: *mut u8, target: *mut fn()) {
unsafe {
//Directly loading the register to the jump page faults so I just do this. If anyone knows why, I'm all ears
asm!("mov r14, {}", in(reg) target);
asm!("mov rsp, {}", in(reg) stack);
asm!("jmp r14");
pub fn load_state() {
unsafe {
//Load the temp data
let mut position: *mut TempData;
asm!("mov {}, r15", out(reg) position, options(nomem, nostack, preserves_flags));
let data = ptr::read(position);
//Call the passed function
( { stack: data.stack }, data.arg);
//If it doesn't load the last state itself, do it here
let pointer: *mut u8;
asm!("mov {}, rsp", out(reg) pointer);
switch_state(data.stack, safe_return as *mut fn());
I'd appriciate any help or advice relating to this topic.