- I'm from Germany
- My English sucks but I'm a nice gey
- I'm using gentoo-linux
- I' programming C and C++
- Programming an OS is new for me
Now my question:
I tried to make my own OS (with a tutorial from your database), nothing big, for the first time I think something witch displayed "Hello World" and reboot.
Here's my code
Code: Select all
[BITS 32]
mov byte [es:0xb8f9c],'H'
mov byte [es:0xb8f9e],'i'
nasm -f aout -o kernel.o kernel.asm
ld -Ttext 0x100000 --oformat binary -o kernel.bin kernel.o
Is this right?
Is there an different between using aout and coff(coff doesn't work on my system, i don't know why)?
And how can I boot this kernel.bin?
I tried qemu, but didn't understand how it work.
Doing it with grub was my second idee but this is for me too much work.
Is there any better way?
Thanks for your help