rams new Object Oriented Distributed OS

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rams new Object Oriented Distributed OS

Post by ram »

Hi all :)
I want to make an OS which is Object Oriented, Distributed and flexible enough to work with Windows as well as Unix systems !
I have no idea from where to start ! So guys please help !
My machine configurations is :
P III 866 mhz, with Windows 2003 server, and devleopment tools like Visual Studio.NET etc.
Please suggest which language should I use.
I know C,C++,C# and other languages as well.
I would also be gateful if u guys suggest the development environment and tools required, any books, tutorials etc.
My OS would be an open source one so guys please help !!
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Re: rams new Object Oriented Distributed OS

Post by [AlAdDiN] »

the idea is interesting, but i want to tell u that sutch idea (compatibility with windows and unix) is very hard to implement, and big projects around this idea fallen down, so i suggest u to think about simpler project, i ll give u some reasons :
-Unix systems use posix standards which are not used by microsoft
-Windows is closed source and it s too hard to find official and free documentations
-Developping an OS = Developping a kernel ..... compatibility is another question.

for ur other questions :
if u want to developp an object oriented OS u must use C++ since C is not oriented object language, and C# needs a JIT compiler :p

and the best environement to develop an OS is Unix or Linux, not windows 2003 server :p
the best editor is VIM (and emacs for its fans ;))

but i want u to explaint me something
why r u speaking about ur configuration ???
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Re: rams new Object Oriented Distributed OS

Post by JAAman »

I wouldn't wory about software support just build your own API -- its easy enough to build an emulation layer on top of your native OS

as far as languages:

C# isn't going to help you

C is good and most used and easiest to find examples, source, and help

ASM is indespensable -- not just for coding(most can be done in C) but for understanding what the CPU is doing and how it handles pm, mem, paging, ints/exceptions, etc

<b> get the Intel docs </b>
this cannot be stressed enough these docs are free and suprisingly easy to understand and contain almost everything youll need to know about the CPU and PM and paging -- study all three before you start

they can be downloaded at <a href="http://developer.intel.com">http://developer.intel.com</a>
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