C++ trashing my Inline assembly registers before I read them

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C++ trashing my Inline assembly registers before I read them

Post by AndrewAPrice »

I have the following system call to return up to a 88 byte long string:

Code: Select all

## Get name of process

### Input
* `rdi` - 29
* `rax` - The ID of the process.

### Output
* `rdi` - Was the process found?
* `rax` - Char 0-7.
* `rbx` - Char 8-15.
* `rdx` - Char 16-23.
* `rsi` - Char 24-31.
* `r8` - Char 32-39.
* `r9` - Char 40-47.
* `r10` - Char 48-55.
* `r12` - Char 56-63.
* `r13` - Char 64-71.
* `r14` - Char 72-79.
* `r15` - Char 80-87.
I'm using just about all of the registers (rcx and r11 get lost on syscalls, so rsp and rbp are the only ones that survive.) Here's my C++ code to call my syscall:

Code: Select all

// Returns the name of a process, or an empty string if the process doesn't exist.
std::string GetProcessName(ProcessId pid) {
	volatile register size_t syscall asm ("rdi") = 29;
	volatile register size_t pid_r asm ("rax") = pid;

	volatile register size_t was_process_found asm ("rdi");
	volatile register size_t name_1 asm ("rax");
	volatile register size_t name_2 asm ("rbx");
	volatile register size_t name_3 asm ("rdx");
	volatile register size_t name_4 asm ("rsi");
	volatile register size_t name_5 asm ("r8");
	volatile register size_t name_6 asm ("r9");
	volatile register size_t name_7 asm ("r10");
	volatile register size_t name_8 asm ("r12");
	volatile register size_t name_9 asm ("r13");
	volatile register size_t name_10 asm ("r14");
	volatile register size_t name_11 asm ("r15");

	__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall\n":"=r"(was_process_found),"=r"(name_1),
		"r"(syscall), "r"(pid_r):
		"rcx", "r11");

	if (!was_process_found) return "";

	// Copy the string out of the registers into a char array. Add an extra
	// byte for the null terminator.
	char process_name[kMaximumProcessNameLength + 1];
	memset(process_name, 0, kMaximumProcessNameLength + 1);
	((size_t*)process_name)[0] = name_1;
	((size_t*)process_name)[1] = name_2;
	((size_t*)process_name)[2] = name_3;
	((size_t*)process_name)[3] = name_4;
	((size_t*)process_name)[4] = name_5;
	((size_t*)process_name)[5] = name_6;
	((size_t*)process_name)[6] = name_7;
	((size_t*)process_name)[7] = name_8;
	((size_t*)process_name)[8] = name_9;
	((size_t*)process_name)[9] = name_10;
	((size_t*)process_name)[10] = name_11;

	return std::string(process_name);
This returns junk (my terminal renders it as "??") even though if I print the registers from my kernel they contain the string.

Here's the disassembly from `objdump -drwCS -Mintel ...`:

Code: Select all

00000000000009a0 <perception::GetProcessName(unsigned long)>:
std::string GetProcessName(ProcessId pid) {
     9a0:	41 57                	push   r15
     9a2:	48 89 f0             	mov    rax,rsi
     9a5:	41 56                	push   r14
     9a7:	41 55                	push   r13
     9a9:	41 54                	push   r12
     9ab:	55                   	push   rbp
     9ac:	48 89 fd             	mov    rbp,rdi
	volatile register size_t syscall asm ("rdi") = 29;
     9af:	bf 1d 00 00 00       	mov    edi,0x1d
std::string GetProcessName(ProcessId pid) {
     9b4:	53                   	push   rbx
     9b5:	48 83 ec 68          	sub    rsp,0x68
		"rcx", "r11");
     9b9:	0f 05                	syscall 
	if (!was_process_found) return "";
     9bb:	48 85 ff             	test   rdi,rdi
     9be:	75 20                	jne    9e0 <perception::GetProcessName(unsigned long)+0x40>
        {__r_.first().__s.__size_ = (unsigned char)(__s << 1);}
     9c0:	31 c0                	xor    eax,eax
     9c2:	66 89 45 00          	mov    WORD PTR [rbp+0x0],ax

	return std::string(process_name);
     9c6:	48 83 c4 68          	add    rsp,0x68
     9ca:	48 89 e8             	mov    rax,rbp
     9cd:	5b                   	pop    rbx
     9ce:	5d                   	pop    rbp
     9cf:	41 5c                	pop    r12
     9d1:	41 5d                	pop    r13
     9d3:	41 5e                	pop    r14
     9d5:	41 5f                	pop    r15
     9d7:	c3                   	ret    
     9d8:	0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 	nop    DWORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]
	memset(process_name, 0, kMaximumProcessNameLength + 1);
     9e0:	49 89 e3             	mov    r11,rsp
     9e3:	ba 59 00 00 00       	mov    edx,0x59
     9e8:	31 f6                	xor    esi,esi
     9ea:	4c 89 df             	mov    rdi,r11
     9ed:	e8 39 3c 03 00       	call   3462b <memset>
	((size_t*)process_name)[7] = name_8;
     9f2:	4c 89 64 24 38       	mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+0x38],r12
    length(const char_type* __s)  _NOEXCEPT {return __builtin_strlen(__s);}
     9f7:	49 89 e3             	mov    r11,rsp
	((size_t*)process_name)[0] = name_1;
     9fa:	48 89 04 24          	mov    QWORD PTR [rsp],rax
	((size_t*)process_name)[2] = name_3;
     9fe:	48 89 54 24 10       	mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+0x10],rdx
	((size_t*)process_name)[3] = name_4;
     a03:	48 89 74 24 18       	mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+0x18],rsi
	((size_t*)process_name)[4] = name_5;
     a08:	4c 89 44 24 20       	mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+0x20],r8
	((size_t*)process_name)[5] = name_6;
     a0d:	4c 89 4c 24 28       	mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+0x28],r9
	((size_t*)process_name)[6] = name_7;
     a12:	4c 89 54 24 30       	mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+0x30],r10
	((size_t*)process_name)[8] = name_9;
     a17:	4c 89 6c 24 40       	mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+0x40],r13
	((size_t*)process_name)[9] = name_10;
     a1c:	4c 89 74 24 48       	mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+0x48],r14
	((size_t*)process_name)[10] = name_11;
     a21:	4c 89 7c 24 50       	mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+0x50],r15
	((size_t*)process_name)[1] = name_2;
     a26:	48 89 5c 24 08       	mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+0x8],rbx
     a2b:	4c 89 db             	mov    rbx,r11
     a2e:	8b 13                	mov    edx,DWORD PTR [rbx]
     a30:	48 83 c3 04          	add    rbx,0x4
     a34:	8d 82 ff fe fe fe    	lea    eax,[rdx-0x1010101]
     a3a:	f7 d2                	not    edx
     a3c:	21 d0                	and    eax,edx
     a3e:	25 80 80 80 80       	and    eax,0x80808080
     a43:	74 e9                	je     a2e <perception::GetProcessName(unsigned long)+0x8e>
     a45:	89 c2                	mov    edx,eax
     a47:	c1 ea 10             	shr    edx,0x10
     a4a:	a9 80 80 00 00       	test   eax,0x8080
     a4f:	0f 44 c2             	cmove  eax,edx
     a52:	48 8d 53 02          	lea    rdx,[rbx+0x2]
     a56:	48 0f 44 da          	cmove  rbx,rdx
     a5a:	89 c1                	mov    ecx,eax
     a5c:	00 c1                	add    cl,al
     a5e:	48 83 db 03          	sbb    rbx,0x3
     a62:	4c 29 db             	sub    rbx,r11
    if (__sz < __min_cap)
     a65:	48 83 fb 16          	cmp    rbx,0x16
     a69:	77 1d                	ja     a88 <perception::GetProcessName(unsigned long)+0xe8>
        {__r_.first().__s.__size_ = (unsigned char)(__s << 1);}
     a6b:	8d 04 1b             	lea    eax,[rbx+rbx*1]
        {return pointer_traits<pointer>::pointer_to(__r_.first().__s.__data_[0]);}
     a6e:	4c 8d 65 01          	lea    r12,[rbp+0x1]
        {__r_.first().__s.__size_ = (unsigned char)(__s << 1);}
     a72:	88 45 00             	mov    BYTE PTR [rbp+0x0],al
                       ? __copy_constexpr(__s1, __s2, __n)
     a75:	48 85 db             	test   rbx,rbx
     a78:	75 34                	jne    aae <perception::GetProcessName(unsigned long)+0x10e>
    void assign(char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2) _NOEXCEPT {__c1 = __c2;}
     a7a:	41 c6 04 1c 00       	mov    BYTE PTR [r12+rbx*1],0x0
    traits_type::copy(_VSTD::__to_address(__p), __s, __sz);
    traits_type::assign(__p[__sz], value_type());
     a7f:	e9 42 ff ff ff       	jmp    9c6 <perception::GetProcessName(unsigned long)+0x26>
     a84:	0f 1f 40 00          	nop    DWORD PTR [rax+0x0]
            {return (__s + (__a-1)) & ~(__a-1);}
     a88:	4c 8d 6b 10          	lea    r13,[rbx+0x10]
     a8c:	49 83 e5 f0          	and    r13,0xfffffffffffffff0
     a90:	4c 89 ef             	mov    rdi,r13
        {__r_.first().__l.__cap_  = __long_mask | __s;}
     a93:	49 83 cd 01          	or     r13,0x1
     a97:	e8 84 f9 ff ff       	call   420 <operator new(unsigned long)>
     a9c:	4c 89 6d 00          	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp+0x0],r13
        {__r_.first().__l.__size_ = __s;}
     aa0:	49 89 e3             	mov    r11,rsp
        {__r_.first().__l.__data_ = __p;}
     aa3:	48 89 45 10          	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp+0x10],rax
     aa7:	49 89 c4             	mov    r12,rax
        {__r_.first().__l.__size_ = __s;}
     aaa:	48 89 5d 08          	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp+0x8],rbx
                       : __n == 0 ? __s1 : (char_type*)memcpy(__s1, __s2, __n);
     aae:	48 89 da             	mov    rdx,rbx
     ab1:	4c 89 de             	mov    rsi,r11
     ab4:	4c 89 e7             	mov    rdi,r12
     ab7:	e8 18 3b 03 00       	call   345d4 <memcpy>
    void assign(char_type& __c1, const char_type& __c2) _NOEXCEPT {__c1 = __c2;}
     abc:	41 c6 04 1c 00       	mov    BYTE PTR [r12+rbx*1],0x0
     ac1:	e9 00 ff ff ff       	jmp    9c6 <perception::GetProcessName(unsigned long)+0x26>
     ac6:	66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 	nop    WORD PTR cs:[rax+rax*1+0x0]

I see that at 9e3, after the syscall, we attempt to override rdx, before reading it at 9f3. Same with rsi at 9e8. I was assuming the compiler would put rdx on the stack before overwriting it so I can read the return value from my syscall later.

Is there a way I can perform this syscall in inlined assembly, or do I need to write the syscall calling code completely in assembly?
My OS is Perception.
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Re: C++ trashing my Inline assembly registers before I read

Post by Octocontrabass »

You need to move the memset() call. Register variables don't work correctly if there are any function calls (including libgcc function calls) between the inline assembly and setting/getting register variables used as input/output. Also, you shouldn't use the "volatile" qualifier on register variables.

It may be wise to explicitly use reinterpret_cast for type punning instead of relying on C-style casts. (Your use of C-style casts would be undefined behavior in C.) Actually, upon further reading, the casts in your code may be undefined behavior. Sources are unclear on exactly how you're supposed to perform type punning in C++. (GCC and Clang allow type punning via unions as an extension to C, but I'm not sure if they support that for C++ too.)
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Re: C++ trashing my Inline assembly registers before I read

Post by kzinti »

I would try to declare process_name[] at the top of the function and update it using inline assembly (after the syscall instruction).

I also don't think you need the memset(), what purpose does it serve if you are overwriting everything with the registers anyways?
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Re: C++ trashing my Inline assembly registers before I read

Post by AndrewAPrice »

Octocontrabass wrote:You need to move the memset() call.
kzinti wrote:I would try to declare process_name[] at the top of the function and update it using inline assembly (after the syscall instruction).
Thanks! That worked. The link was super helpful. What I learnt is to not use function calls (or arithmetic that could invoke a function call) between assigning/reading the register vaiables and the syscall.
kzinti wrote:I also don't think you need the memset(), what purpose does it serve if you are overwriting everything with the registers anyways?
You're right. I was able to reduce it to just:

Code: Select all

char process_name[kMaximumProcessNameLength + 1];
process_name[kMaximumProcessNameLength] = '\0';
My OS is Perception.
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