Question about which tools to use, bugs, the best way to implement a function, etc should go here. Don't forget to see if your question is answered in the wiki first! When in doubt post here.
here is what happens when I boot with a multiboot image of my OS with grub. I think it is related to the bios function (int 10h, ax = 1110h) that I call to load my graphic character definition I must not return properly to the real mode because it crashed on another machine
may need to learn how to "read" this new kind of character
When I switch video modes but forget about redrawing everything to adapt to the new resolution... Gets me every time.
Hey! I'm developing two operating systems:
NanoShell --- A 32-bit operating system whose GUI takes inspiration from Windows 9x and early UNIX desktop managers. Boron --- A portable SMP operating system taking inspiration from the design of the Windows NT kernel.
Yeah. You want a wrapper function which runs the mode switch & sends redraw messages or whatever.
Kaph — a modular OS intended to be easy and fun to administer and code for.
"May wisdom, fun, and the greater good shine forth in all your work." — Leo Brodie
That's one of the best programming accidents I've seen: you should sell the design to a tile manufacturer, perhaps after experimenting with adjusting the contrast a bit.
DavidCooper wrote:That's one of the best programming accidents I've seen: you should sell the design to a tile manufacturer, perhaps after experimenting with adjusting the contrast a bit.
I'm in the middle of rewriting some core printing functions, and I accidentally broke my text scrolling function. I thought the result looked funny!
(I haven't been on this forum in years, I was super young when I was fascinated with this hobby, and now I'm actually developing my own! It's exhilarating)
The definition of undefined behavior, accidentally putting the top of your stack into %rsp instead of the bottom and constantly being in a stack overflow. This took me forever to debug. Not a super crazy looking breakage but it displayed the panic image slightly corrupted without any of the panic debug info.