After a long break from OS related tinkering I thought I'd give it another go, this time using UEFI which has actually been pretty pleasant.
I'm doing some work on PCIe specifically, (for a specific device) .. so from the configuration space offset 0x34 I've followed the pointers to find the PCIe extended configuration structure (id = 0x10).
From here I've used offset 0x04 to determine maximum payload (which I set through offset 0x08). In my case it's 256bytes.
The link capabilities register gives a max link width of 0x16 and a max link speed of 3 (from register offset 0x0c).
The link status register (0x12) is showing me negotiated link width of x16 (so nothing to do there) but a current link speed of 1.
Using register 0x30 (Link Control 2 Register) I set bits 0:3 to link speed 3.
Using register 0x10 (Link Control Register) I set bit 5 to trigger a link re-train.
The I wait a small duration (1second just for debugging)
In a polling loop I test bit 11 of the Link status Register (Link Training) until it's clear.
Read the info back from link status register (0x12) and it's still showing me a link speed of 1.
Do I need to configure the de-emphasis values as well ? Perhaps someone can shed some light on the correct process to correctly set and retrain the PCIe device link to a higher speed.