Unexpected output when printing to text video memory

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Unexpected output when printing to text video memory

Post by ledoux »

Hello everyone . I develop a kernel in C and I created something that displays a message in the video memory.
But I had two cases: The first is that, when I do not make a link with a C file and the assembly kernel, the characters are displayed normally.
The second case, normally when I make a link with a C file, nothing happens.

In a way, I work on KAli linux. I have a C file, and two asm files. The C file is called screen.c which contains the character display functions. ASM files: a boot.asm for bootsectorwhich load PMODE and kernel.asm file (to use C code functions).

Here are the command lines I used to test my code:

gcc -m32 -c screen.c -o screen.o
nasm -f elf32 -o kernel.o kernel.asm
ld -m elf_i386 -Ttext 1000 kernel.o screen.o -o kernel
nasm -f bin -o boot boot.asm
cat boot kernel.o /dev/zero | dd of=floppyA bs=512 count=2880

Where is the problem ?
Can I give you my codes for more readability?
(318 Bytes) Downloaded 24 times
COntain screen function
(1.46 KiB) Downloaded 22 times
File for bootsector and load PMODE
(1.94 KiB) Downloaded 20 times
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Re: Unexpected output when printing to text video memory

Post by MichaelPetch »

It is how you are building. 1000 should be 0x1000 . You want to DD kernel, not kernel.o, you will need to have the linker output kernel as a binary file and not an ELF executable. Since you aren't using a cross compiler you'll likely need something like -fno-PIC . Something like this may work:

Code: Select all

gcc -m32 -c screen.c -o screen.o -ffreestanding -fno-PIC
nasm -f elf32 -o kernel.o kernel.asm
ld -m elf_i386 --oformat=binary -Ttext 0x1000 kernel.o screen.o -o kernel
nasm -f bin -o boot boot.asm
cat boot kernel /dev/zero | dd of=floppyA bs=512 count=2880
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