Qemu is changing colours with change the size of the window

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Qemu is changing colours with change the size of the window

Post by Klakap »

Good day!

I found strange problem. After start QEMU is all colours good:

But after maximize window is colours change:

Please have you any experience with this error? Can I fix it?
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Re: Qemu is changing colours with change the size of the win

Post by BenLunt »

Most likely because since you changed the screen size, QEMU changed the pixel depth from 15- or 16-bit pixels to 24- or 32-bit pixels and the colors will now be different.

This is most noticeable due to the fact that the square didn't change places. i.e.: If you create a larger screen size, the square will move in relationship to the pixel depth. The square didn't (noticeably) move, so the screen didn't just "zoom in", it actually grew in pixels so the square isn't at the same row/column anymore.

Anyway, we will need more information to be sure.

- http://www.fysnet.net/the_graphical_user_interface.htm
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