I've followed one of the many tutorials to write a simplest bootloader that prints "hello, world" and then halts. It boots in Bochs emulator (compiled it with NASM on Windows). Now I want to boot on real hardware and I want to place it on a USB thumb drive since I don't have any floppies lying around. I tried physically putting my compiled bootloader into the very first sector of the un-formatted USB drive, no luck, fails to boot. So I go ahead, google this topic, read about MBR and that it's required for HDD devices. My USB is booted in HDD mode, and I think it's booted in legacy BIOS mode, not UEFI.
So I took the sample MBR from this fine article and turn it into "Hello, world":
Code: Select all
[bits 16]
[org 0x0600]
cli ; We do not want to be interrupted
xor ax, ax ; 0 AX
mov ds, ax ; Set Data Segment to 0
mov es, ax ; Set Extra Segment to 0
mov ss, ax ; Set Stack Segment to 0
mov sp, ax ; Set Stack Pointer to 0
mov cx, 0x0100 ; 256 WORDs in MBR
mov si, 0x7C00 ; Current MBR Address
mov di, 0x0600 ; New MBR Address
rep movsw ; Copy MBR
jmp 0:LowStart ; Jump to new Address
sti ; Start interrupts
mov si, msg ; SI now points to our message
mov ah, 0x0E ; Indicate BIOS we're going to print chars
.loop lodsb ; Loads SI into AL and increments SI [next char]
or al, al ; Checks if the end of the string
jz halt ; Jump to halt if the end
int 0x10 ; Otherwise, call interrupt for printing the char
jmp .loop ; Next iteration of the loop
halt: hlt ; CPU command to halt the execution
msg: db "Hello, World!", 0 ; Our actual message to print
times (218 - ($-$$)) nop ; Pad for disk time stamp
DiskTimeStamp times 8 db 0 ; Disk Time Stamp
bootDrive db 0 ; Our Drive Number Variable
PToff dw 0 ; Our Partition Table Entry Offset
times (0x1b4 - ($-$$)) nop ; Pad For MBR Partition Table
UID times 10 db 0 ; Unique Disk ID
PT1 times 16 db 0 ; First Partition Entry
PT2 times 16 db 0 ; Second Partition Entry
PT3 times 16 db 0 ; Third Partition Entry
PT4 times 16 db 0 ; Fourth Partition Entry
dw 0xAA55 ; Boot Signature