(Text should be displayed, it does in qemu and hardware)
I stepped through in bochs to see where the error occurs:
Code: Select all
Next at t=213053579
(0) [0x000000101278] 0008:0000000000101278 (unk. ctxt): cmp eax, edx ; 39d0
Next at t=223053579
(0) [0x000000101270] 0008:0000000000101270 (unk. ctxt): mov word ptr ds:[eax], cx ; 668908
Next at t=233053579
(0) [0x000000101270] 0008:0000000000101270 (unk. ctxt): mov word ptr ds:[eax], cx ; 668908
Next at t=243053579
(0) [0x000000101278] 0008:0000000000101278 (unk. ctxt): cmp eax, edx ; 39d0
00243442083p[IOAPIC] >>PANIC<< I/O apic write with len=2 (should be 4) at address 0x0000fec00020
This is how I send the EOI:
Code: Select all
mov al, 0x20
out 0x20, al
You can see any code on my git repository: https://github.com/chez4/burnsOS/tree/master/x86/src Files that are relevant: boot.asm kmain.c system.c