It's been about eight years since I last did anything OS Dev related, and I want to get back into it. I'm taking baby steps to refresh my memory; however, I'm running into an issue with linking that I can't figure out. Whenever I try to link my object files, I get this error in the terminal:
Code: Select all
start.o: In function `stublet':
start.asm:(.text+0x29): undefined reference to `_main'
I have start.asm with this snippet of code:
Code: Select all
extern _main
call _main
jmp $
Code: Select all
nasm -f elf64 -o start.o start.asm
Code: Select all
void main(){
Code: Select all
gcc -Wall -o -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -nostdinc -fno-builtin -I./include -c -o main.o main.c
Code: Select all
ld -T linker.ld -o kernel.bin start.o main.o
Thanks for all the help! It's going to take a little bit to get back in the grove of things.
I'm also going based off of Bran's Kernel Development guide (figured that might be a decent place to start with a memory refresher)... although, a lot of it seems questionable. Does anyone have any opinions on that guide?