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Re: new-comer's questions

Post by Schol-R-LEA »

goldov wrote:i hope that i answered all your questions.
Yes, I think it does. Thank you.
Rev. First Speaker Schol-R-LEA;2 LCF ELF JAM POEE KoR KCO PPWMTF
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Re: new-comer's questions

Post by StudlyCaps »

goldov wrote: 3) the standard of living in Australia is much below than in the UK and in Germany - again, if you have strong connections in Australian Government then your life would be easy in Australia, if no - then the life in Australia would be very-very difficult and dangerous.
Hi goldov, while it is difficult for an immigrant to establish themselves in any country, I do not agree with this assessment of Australia.
We have many educated immigrants and a very free labor market. This means there are many paths for skilled migrants to enter Australia and they face less discrimination in the job market than in most other countries. Additionally, political connections to the Australian government mean little, as there are two roughly equal competing political parties and a very weak civil service.
The standard of living is also above that of the UK, with much lower wealth and income inequality, a lower cost of living and similar wages.
While Australia has many problems, it is a very good place for migrants with skills in technology and engineering fields.
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Re: new-comer's questions

Post by goldov »

Hello, StudlyCaps,

1) please, accept my apology about the assesment of Australia, that (such information) i have known from one of the Australain person living in one of the NATO countries - that person is very-very rich and his father served in British Army and in German Nazi Army... may be that is why he did not like his origin country - i do not like that person.

2) in the past, when i was young, i had met very-very talanted and highly professional and World famous scientists from Australia - they became top-top professionals in the World at present. i have very good impression and memory about them.

3) StudlyCaps, ... as i said you, i am not young, and in my age i do not need too many things in my life - i was born and grown in the Soviet Union, and recieved education in one of the NATO countires, and then i worked in the NATO countries.

both in Russia and in the Western countries i have met many bad things with respect to me, in which even MI-5/6, CIA-FBI, and FSB-KGB and Russian police have taken parts.

this is why i look to the life "through my fingers" (as we say in Russia). at present, in my age, i have nothing to lose, ... because i have lost many valuable things in my life.

4) i do not consider Australia for my immigration, because it is very-very difficult for me to bare the hot weather in Australia (during winter and spring months).

5) nonetheless, when i will have sufficient and worthy job and salary either in Russia and/or in the Western countries, i will try to visit Australia as a tourist.

All the best.
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Re: new-comer's questions

Post by StudlyCaps »

Hi goldov,

Don't worry about it, I haven't taken offence at all. I just wanted to offer my perspective, not just for yourself but for anyone else who is reading. I know lots of people here from many other countries, including from eastern Europe, who have come here and made good lives which they say would not have been possible in their home countries. Obviously not everyone has a good experience here, but I think it is at least as good of a place as any other western country.

It's unfortunate that because of the east/west divide, which really just seems to be politicians fighting for personal power, that you have been targeted unfairly by the police of both your own country and of other countries. From the tone that the news is taking, it seems that this may even increase as Trump and Putin blow hot air at each other.

If you do get a chance, I hope you do visit some day. Australia is a very unique place.
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Re: new-comer's questions

Post by Schol-R-LEA »

StudlyCaps wrote:If you do get a chance, I hope you do visit some day. Australia is a very unique place.
I'm tempted to quote Pterry's "some of the sheep" joke (as in, the answer to the question, "which animals in the Land Down Under aren't venomous?"), but... oh, darn, I guess I just did.

Mind you, if memory serves, Pterry spent several years living as a Kiwi Bloke (though unlike Simon the BOFH, he was not a native of New Zealand, and eventually returned to Old Blighty), and thus was obligated to poke fun at his southerly neighbors at every opportunity.
Rev. First Speaker Schol-R-LEA;2 LCF ELF JAM POEE KoR KCO PPWMTF
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Re: new-comer's questions

Post by goldov »

Hello, StudlyCaps, and Schol-R-LEA,

1) StudlyCaps, thank you very much for inviting me to your home country Australia. i will try to visit Australia as a tourist, when i will have worthy job and salary either in Russia or/and in the Western countries.

i have been hunted and victimized not only by the Russian and British police, but by the intelligence services in Russia, in the UK, and in the USA - FSB-KGB, MI-5/6, and CIA-FBI.

unfortunately, the Russian President is a very-very foolish, stupid, envious, and jealous person. in fact, he had never been a spy in Germany - instead, he was only an ordinary KGB-FSB servant. he is not intellectually developed politician. he is very-very weak specialist in politics, economics, and jurisprudence. the same adjectives are characteristic and inherent to the Russian Government members too.

once more, i am not a supporter of the Russian President and of the Russian Government.

2) Schol-R-LEA, thank you for your message ... i understand the meaning of Pteryy's joke very well in terms of Australia environment. but Australia has also the police subordinated to Her Majesty The Queen of the UK - unfrotunately, that is true. and they may not understand correctly the meaning of Pteryy's joke in terms Australia. this is why, may i ask you to be very careful, please, with such and similar phrases and jokes, that have double-meaning.

All the best.
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Re: new-comer's questions

Post by StudlyCaps »

I do enjoy Sir Pratchett, and though I hadn't heard that one, there is a truth to it!
The spiders and snakes are all good but the vicious, chlamydia ridden koalas and aggressive kangaroos are a bit much.
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Re: new-comer's questions

Post by goldov »

Hello, StudlyCaps,

1) you said that you "enjoy Sir Pratchett". ok, ... i will translate you into correct English language - you are interested in the Programe of Star Wars anounced to the World by the White House in Washington DC in the USA in 1983.
2) i will not develop discussion in terms of the USA politics, physics, maths, and programming in this Forum - instead, i will try to make your interests softer.
3) i like to watch some Hollywood movies, including the movie series "Star Wars" with the American actor Harrison Ford, who participted in that movie.
4) but my favorite Hollywood and Australian actress is Nicole Kidman. i like to watch movies with her participation.
5) unfortunately, her ex-husband Thomas Cruise Mapother, who participated in the movies "Mission impossible" and in other movies, is a psychiatric slave of the criminal Scientology secta, that has branches in many countires. they have given him terrible chemistry and hypnosis to destroy his brain and his mental health, thus converting him into the slave of Scientology criminal secta. this is true.

All the best.
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Re: new-comer's questions

Post by StudlyCaps »


I'm sorry, but I don't follow.

Sir Terry Pratchett is an author who wrote satirical fantasy novels. Click here for details. He is the person who came up with the quip which Schol-R-LEA referenced in his post. I was merely saying that I enjoy reading his books. The quote, and my response, is a joking reference to the reputation Australia has for being the home of many poisonous animals.

I don't understand the relation to the Star Wars program. Nor do I understand the relationship to the cult of Scientology.
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Re: new-comer's questions

Post by goldov »

StudlyCaps, hello,

1) thank you for your message.
2) i am sorry for the misunderstanding of the UK English humor. the way how information is given in Russian language is very-very different from that of in English language.
3) you asked me about Star War Programe ... Terry Pratchet and Ronald Reagn had had the similar health problem.
Ronald Reagan openly announced the Star War to the Soviet Union in 1983, based on the idiot and not-competent information of the CIA.
4) you asked me also about Scientology ... i do not have and do not want to have any relation to this criminal secta Scientology.
5) i can say you only one thing that Australia is not indifferent to me like to Thom Cruise. but the real life is the real life ... we can not find things that have been stolen long time ago ... the circumstances and even people have been changing ...
6) i can wish to the people, like Thom Cruise, only good luck ... we must go forward and only forward ...
7) StudlyCaps, ... i hope that our misunderstandings were resolved.

Thank you.
All the best.
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