- not sure what that python script does, as BIOS ROM does not need to be signed.
It is not a BIOS ROM I am attempting to write, it is an option rom and these need to be signed with a checksum.
I started writing a small tool for that job already, when i discovered this python script.
If i do not sign, the ROM gets not executed at all.
you don't have a stack, so most probably your first call fails.
Your code has a lot of information to show, you are far further than me, but i couldn't find a solution there.
I found this
https://sites.google.com/site/pinczakko ... ansion-rom
From this place i got the hint to use a PNP rom and try to claim to be an Adaptec SCSI controller - it works, the code is attached.
There's still the question, where does an option rom in qemu gets loaded? To which address? I only could find the argument -option-rom, nothing else.
Code: Select all
cpu 186
bits 16
org 0x0000
db 0x55
db 0xAA ; signature
db 16 ; length of option rom in 512b increments = 8k
jmp rom_init
Times 0x18-($-$$) db 0 ;;zero fill in between
dw PCI_DATA_STRUC ;;Pointer to PCI HDR structure (at 18h)
Times 0x1A-($-$$) db 0 ;;zero fill in between
dw PnP_Header ;;PnP Expansion Header Pointer (at 1Ah)
; PCI data structure
db 'PCIR' ;PCI Header Sign
dw 0x9004 ;Vendor ID; 0x9004 = Adaptec
dw 0x8178 ;Device ID; If Vendor == Adaptec => Ultra/Ultra-Wide SCSI Ctrlr
dw 0x00 ;VPD, Vital Product Data can be used for revision information or something else
dw 0x18 ;PCI data struc length (byte)
db 0x00 ;PCI Data struct Rev
db 0x02 ;Base class code, 02h == Network Controller
db 0x00 ;Sub class code = 00h and interface = 00h -->Ethernet Controller
db 0x00 ;Interface code, see PCI Rev2.2 Spec Appendix D
dw 16 ;Image length in mul of 512 byte, little endian format
dw 0x00 ;rev level
db 0x00 ;Code type = x86
db 0x80 ;last image indicator
dw 0x00 ;reserved
; PnP ROM Bios Header
db '$PnP' ;PnP Rom header sign
db 0x01 ;Structure Revision
db 0x02 ;Header structure Length in mul of 16 bytes
dw 0x00 ;Offset to next header (00 if none)
db 0x00 ;reserved
db 0x7A ;8 Bit checksum (for this header, -->
; --> check again after compile and repair if needed) <= ?! TODO ?!
dd 0x00 ;PnP Device ID --> 0h in Realtek RPL ROM
dw msg_author ;pointer to manufacturer string
dw msg_product ;pointer to product string
db 0x02,0x00,0x00 ;Device Type code 3 byte
db 0x14 ;Device Indicator, 14h from RPL ROM-->See Page 18 of
;PnP BIOS spec., Lo nibble (4) means IPL device
dw 0x00 ;Boot Connection Vector, 00h = disabled
dw 0x00 ;Disconnect Vector, 00h = disabled
dw os_init ;Bootstrap Entry Vector (BEV)
dw 0x00 ;reserved
dw 0x00 ;Static resource Information vector (0000h if unused)
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
; stack is at 0000:2000
mov ax, 0x0000
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0x2000
sti ; enable interrupts
call clrscr
call clrscr
mov bl, 0x0F
mov si, msg_init
call print_str
call new_line
os_init: jmp os_init
; print a zero terminated string, args:
; si = string, bl = color
; prints to current cursor position
print_str: ; si = string, bl = color
test al, al ; test if zero char
jz outhere
mov cx, 1
mov ah, 0x09
int 0x10 ; print CX n chars in AL with color BL to cursor
call inc_cursor
jmp print_str
mov ah, 0x03 ; get cursor
int 0x10 ; now DH=row DL=col
inc dl
mov ah, 0x02 ; set cursor
int 0x10
mov ah, 0x03
int 0x10
inc dh
xor dl,dl
mov ah, 0x02
int 0x10
mov dh, 0
mov dl, 0
call set_cursor
mov ah, 0x0a
mov al, ' '
mov bh, 0
mov cx, 2000
int 0x10
; DH = row, DL = col
mov ah, 0x02
int 0x10
msg_init db "option rom init.", 0
msg_author db "nils stec", 0
msg_product db "option rom", 0
; fill with zeroes till signature
times 8191-($-$$) db 0x00
db 0x00 ; checksum
; will be calculated by script