Do I really do this, or just as I remap the PIC to use ISRs 32 onwards, should I actually adjust the global system interrupts (in both overridden and implied entries?) to not overlap with the exceptions?Systems that support both APIC and dual 8259 interrupt models must map global system interrupts
0-15 to the 8259 IRQs 0-15, except where Interrupt Source Overrides are provided (see
Section, “Interrupt Source Override Structure” below). This means that I/O APIC interrupt
inputs 0-15 must be mapped to global system interrupts 0-15 and have identical sources as the 8259
IRQs 0-15 unless overrides are used.
I feel as this is an obvious yes, so sorry if this is the case, but I thought I'd just check my preconceptions. Thanks!