Does Minix require hardware paging?

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Re: Does Minix require hardware paging?

Post by Korona »

Usually, paging is used to protect programs from each other and to protect the kernel from programs. Segmentation is not used in modern OS anymore. (Well, you cannot disable it on x86 but Linux, Windows and other OSes set the segment limits to the full address space so there is no protection provided by segmentation.)
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Re: Does Minix require hardware paging?

Post by AnalogChipDesigner »

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Re: Does Minix require hardware paging?

Post by Schol-R-LEA »

TL;DR: Stop what you are doing and go read both Computer Architecture: a Quantatitive Approach and Computer Organization and Design if you haven't do so already. Don't come back until to you have at least purchased or borrowed a copy of each. Trust me, this is something you want to do, and you won't regret it.

Your last post (save the request for further comments) indicated that you intend to replicate the 8086 ISA. I would argue that this is an astoundingly, blindingly horrible idea, as even Intel think the x86 architecture is trash. It was meant as a stop-gap when it was designed, and frankly, even when IBM picked it in 1980 there were better alternatives - the main reason they picked the 8088 in the first place was because they didn't want to spend for the 16-bit memory bus of the 8086 or the Motorola 68000, but were told not to bother with an 8-bit system like the 8080 or the 6502. Since their whole goal was to 'embrace-extend-extinguish' the home computer market by squashing everyone else and then slowly turn them into smart terminals to connect to mainframes with.

This suited Intel down to their socks, as they wanted out of the home market and figured that IBM's evil scheme would net them just enough money to let them fix their real CPU, the iAPX 432.

Neither of these plans worked, obviously. The PC was something of a flop in the home market (compared to the mostly 8-bit home systems like the Apple II and the Commodore 64 anyway - they did do well in the small-business market) until Compaq came along and created the clone market, which had the effect of destroying IBM's smart terminal prospects and giving the home market a boost. Meanwhile, the 432 died of cancer of the capability mechanism, meaning that Intel had to double down on the 8086 or go out of business.

(hardware capability-based security never really proved feasible with the then-current fabrication technology, as the silicon needed for it was bigger than that for the CPU itself, and interest in them died out before the die process reached a point where they might have been workable. Adding hardware support for garbage collection and object-oriented programming only compounded the problem. The design might work today, if anyone care to bother; in the late 1970s and early 1980s, though, it just wasn't possible.)

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Unless you have a specific need for x86 compatibility, then I would strongly advise against it. In fact I would advise against it even if you did. You would be setting yourself up for frustration and failure if you trying to recreate that Frankenstein's monster of an ISA, no matter how widespread the actual Intel and licensed chips might be. And the performance will suck, too.

I won't direct you to a specific ISA architecture - and you should be glad Geri is no longer here to demand that you to make a SUBLEQ OISC, that rabbit hole isn't worth going down except for funzies (it might be a fun project, but nothing more) - but I can definitely recommend looking at the classic MIPS, the classic Berkeley RISC, the DLX (which is by the professors who designed the previous two; it is based on the MIPS but simplified even further), the RISC-V, and maybe the ARM for inspiration instead. Or conversely, something with a writable ISA like the Rekursiv, stack machines such as the Lilith and Ceres workstations, or a stack/register hybrid like the Transputer. Maybe even take a look at the Mill, though they have yet to make a working system and haven't released a lot of the details on it for legal reasons.

Or the 68000, though if you try to implement something like that in TTL, you'll end up with a mainframe - the 68k was comparable to the VAX in terms of complexity.

Note that I am saying, 'inspiration'. If you are going to do it from scratch, you might as well do your own design, right? Also, most of those are 32-bit designs, and while both the ARM and the MIPS have 16-bit variants If I were to suggest something to actual implement, it would be either the DLX (which is really really simple, open source, and completely documented) or the MIPS (which isn't as simple, but has usable ports of a lot of software), but even that isn't really something I would recommend.

I would, however, strongly recommend the books by the two main designers of the DLX, John Hennessy and David Patterson: Computer Architecture: a Quantatitive Approach and Computer Organization and Design. Seriously. They are great books, and absolutely essential for this topic - you would be doing yourself a disservice if you don't read them. note that the latter text has three versions, one focusing on MIPS, one on ARM, and one on RISC-V. While I am in agreement with Ivan Godard that, with modern chip fabrication, there's no real need for a classic RISC design in a commercial product (or a classic CISC, either), given the technology you mean to apply, a RISCy design makes tons of sense.
Last edited by Schol-R-LEA on Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Does Minix require hardware paging?

Post by Schol-R-LEA »

Crap, I forgot to mention to things: first, I am pretty sure that there is a port of Minix to the MIPS, and probably to the DLX as well.

Second, it is helpful to recall that the original purpose of using segmentation wasn't memory protection, it was to simplify the address bus layout.

Let me explain. (TL;DR: you only need segments in a new ISA if you can't fit enough address lines in.)

The whole idea was that you could provide a total available memory address space of n without needing a n address lines in hardware.

The basic idea is that most addressing is relatively localized, which was more true in the past than it is now - the availability of larger flat address spaces led to programs using that space - but is still mostly the case. This means that if you use a segment base to hold the starting point of the code or data being accessed, and all memory references default to using an offset from a segment base, then you only need the pins for the offset plus the pins for a small number of base registers. This avoids special cases, but requires additional complexity in the memory addressing - the memory bus needs to mirror the segment registers, and the CPU then needs to ensure that the bus gets updated whenever a segment register is changed. I am pretty sure this was mostly done with larger TTL or SSI computers like the System/360.

Another way to do it is to use just the offsets for 'near' addresses and send two sets of address values - the base and the offset - for a 'far' address on successive cycles, and have a single pin to indicate when a far pointer is coming. This reduces the requirements for the memory bus, but still requires some extra support, and it makes far pointers a special case in but hardware and software as well as slower in a naive implementation (since it takes two cycles for either a load from or store to a far pointer). Again, I am pretty sure this is what the 8086 does, though IIRC it actually has two pins for controlling the memory bus - one to indicate whether it is a load or a store, and one to indicate the width. Comments and corrections welcome.

EDIT: This web page has a pin-out diagram for the 8086, as well as a description of what the pins are for. There is another site with a similar page for the 8088, for which the pinouts are almost but not quite the same; that page explains the differences in detail. A third explanation can be found here, and a PDF detailing the memory hardware interface here.


This, and the accompanying explanations, shows that I was underestimating the complexity of the memory bus control significantly. I might post a bit more shortly if I get to it. It does, however, bring up an important point: even if you replicate or emulate the 8088 perfectly (which won't be feasible anyway), your system still won't run IBM PC software; you would also need to replicate the memory bus, DMA sub-system, I/O bus, and most important of all, the ROM BIOS. the PC-specific aspects of Minix 1 and 2 have more to do with those than with the Intel chip, realistically; while there are some parts of Minix which need to use assembly language, most of those parts are for accessing PC specific subsystems, not controlling the CPU.
Rev. First Speaker Schol-R-LEA;2 LCF ELF JAM POEE KoR KCO PPWMTF
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Lisp programmers tend to seem very odd to outsiders, just like anyone else who has had a religious experience they can't quite explain to others.
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