So here's the repo:
The IDT is first initialised in kernel/arch/i386/idt.c
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void idt_init(void)
uint32_t keyboard_address;
uint32_t idt_address;
uint32_t idt_ptr[2];
keyboard_address = (uint32_t)keyboard_handler;
IDT[0x21].offset_lowerbits = keyboard_address & 0xFFFF;
IDT[0x21].zero = 0;
IDT[0x21].type_attr = INTERRUPT_GATE;
IDT[0x21].offset_higherbits = (keyboard_address & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
/* Send signals to initialize the PICs
* The PICs will be initialized using the bit string 00010001 (0x11) as the first Initialisation Control Word (ICW1)
* 0 1 Tells the PIC we're not going to send IC4 during initialisation
* 1 0 Tells the PIC to cascade another 8259A
* 2 0 Ignored by most x86 devices
* 3 0 Use edge triggered mode instead of level triggered mode
* 4 1 Tells the PIC it has to be initialized
* 5 0 Required to be 0 by x86 devices
* 6 0 Required to be 0 by x86 devices
* 7 0 Required to be 0 by x86 devices
/* Initialisation Control Word 1 */
outb(PORT_PIC1_COMMAND, 0x11); /* Initialise master */
outb(PORT_PIC2_COMMAND, 0x11); /* Initialise slave */
/* Initialisation Control Word 2 */
outb(PORT_PIC1_DATA, 0x20); /* Map the master PIC's IRQ0 to 0x20 */
outb(PORT_PIC2_DATA, 0x28); /* Map the slave PIC's IRQ8 to 0x28 */
/* The master can only handle interrupts 0x20 to 0x27 */
/* Initialisation Control Word 3 */
outb(PORT_PIC1_DATA, 0x04); /* 0100 (BIT1=1) Tell the master the slave is connected to IRQ2 */
outb(PORT_PIC2_DATA, 0x02); /* Tells the slave IR2 is the communication line with the master */
/* Initialisation Control Word 4 (required by ICW1) */
/* This ICW will only be used to signal the PICS we're in x86 mode */
outb(PORT_PIC1_DATA, 0x01); /* 00000001, the first bit signals the x86 mode (0 means MCS-80/86 mode) */
outb(PORT_PIC2_DATA, 0x01);
/* Send EOI to master */
outb(PORT_PIC1_COMMAND, 0x20);
/* We now need to clear out the PIC data registers... we don't want garbage in there */
outb(PORT_PIC1_DATA, 0x00);
outb(PORT_PIC2_DATA, 0x00);
idt_address = (uint32_t)IDT;
idt_ptr[0] = (sizeof(t_IDT_entry) * IDT_SIZE) + ((idt_address & 0xFFFF) << 16);
idt_ptr[1] = idt_address >> 16;
/* Load the Interrupt Descriptor Table */
Code: Select all
.global load_idt
.type load_idt, @function
.section .text
mov 4(%esp), %edx
lidt (%edx)
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void kernel_main(void)
serial_write(SERIAL_PORT_0, "Hello, world!", 13);
/*kernel_panic(PANIC_NOTHING, __FILE__, __LINE__);*/
- Pressing a key makes the device restart (assumed triple fault)
- The keyboard handler defined in kernel/arch/i386/kb.s doesn't get called
- Execution seems to otherwise be normal. Even though the serial connection isn't working properly at the moment, the debugging feedback appears on the screen signaling that the kernel is still working before pressing a key
- Not initiating the keyboard (by not unmasking the interrupt using the intialisation function in kernel/arch/i386/kb.c works as expected, the device doesn't restart.
Build instructions are defined in documentation.odt but for convenience just cd in the source directory and type in
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$ make & make test
How can I prevent this from happening? From what I understand the IDT is not properly setup, the CPU tries to jump at an unknown address, executes garbage, and restarts. I've been trying to fix this for a few weeks now, can anyone help me fix this? Thanks a lot!