I'm trying to make a simple MBR wich loads a kernel. This is copied to a USB drive to be run by my PC. Here is my code :
Code: Select all
; bootsect.asm
; Simple MBR
; Loaded by the BIOS at 0000:7C00
; Real Mode addressing
; Loads the Kernel at 0x1000
org 0x0
jmp start
%include "afficher.inc"
; init segments
mov ax, 0x07C0
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ax, 0x8000
mov ss, ax
mov ax, 0xF000
mov sp, ax ; stack 0x8F000 -> 0x80000
mov [drv], dl
mov si, msgBS
call afficher
; loading kernel at 0x1000, int 13h, f42h
mov si, msgLK
call afficher
mov ah, 0x42
mov si, DAP
mov dl, [drv]
int 0x13
jb load
mov si, msgSK
call afficher
jmp dword 0x100:0x0
; data
msgBS: db "REMERY bootsect is running.", 13, 10, 0
msgLK: db "Loading kernel at 0x1000 ...", 13, 10, 0
msgSK: db "Starting Kernel ...", 13, 10, 0
drv: db 0
; Disk Address Packet for kernel loading
db 0x10 ; dap lenght
db 0x0 ; unused, 0
dw 0x1 ; number of sectors to be readed (1)
dw 0x0 ; offset
dw 0x100 ; segment
dd 0x1 ; LBA address of the kernel
dd 0x0
; NOP until 510 bytes long
times 510-($-$$) db 144
dw 0xAA55 ; "this is a MBR"
Hope you will understand me (I'm French, i think you've noticed) and that you will help me finding a solution ! Thanks !