x86 emulator, Seabios problems.

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x86 emulator, Seabios problems.

Post by Agola »

Hi osdevers.

I'm making a *really* simple x86 emulator that I'm going to use with my os.
Currently I'm writing it as a program for Windows to easily debug and finish. After it starts working, I'll port the sources to Agola.

I'm using Seabios as its BIOS.
It is 256 kb, then I map it to virtual RAM, 0xC0000 to 0xFFFFF.

I made cs:ip to point to 0xFFFF0 like real 8086.

Then the first instruction at 0xFFFF0 is jump 0xF000:0xE05B, it is correct.
That is the debug output from virtual cpu:
CS: ffff EIP: 00000000 | long jump to fe05b
But after jump, something goes bad.

Code: Select all

                           .data:00000000 2e 66 83 3e 88 70 0f             cmpl   $0xf,%cs:0x7088
                           .data:00000007 85 96 f3 31                      test   %dx,0x31f3(%bp)
                           .data:0000000b d2 8e d2 66                      rorb   %cl,0x66d2(%bp)
                           .data:0000000f bc 07 00                         mov    $0x7,%sp
                           .data:00000012 06                               push   %es
                           .data:00000013 6b a1 a2 df 0e                   imul   $0xe,-0x205e(%bx,%di),%sp
                           .data:00000018 98                               cbtw   
                           .data:00000019 71 e6                            jno    0x00000001
                           .data:0000001b 65 56                            gs push %si
                           .data:0000001d 65 76 65                         gs jbe 0x00000085
                           .data:00000020 66 65 36 68 3e c7 06 68          gs ss pushl $0x6806c73e
                           .data:00000028 9c                               pushf  
                           .data:00000029 76 76                            jbe    0x000000a1
                           .data:0000002b 68 b7 04                         push   $0x4b7
                           .data:0000002e 2e 67 8a 9e 2c 0f 1f f2          mov    %cs:-0xde0f0d4(%esi),%bl
                           .data:00000036 e6 78                            out    %al,$0x78
                           .data:00000038 a8 62                            test   $0x62,%al
                           .data:0000003a d0                               (bad)  
                           .data:0000003b f1                               icebp  
                           .data:0000003c ff 66 89                         jmp    *-0x77(%bp)
                           .data:0000003f c5 66 b9                         lds    -0x47(%bp),%sp
                           .data:00000042 10 00                            adc    %al,(%bx,%si)
                           .data:00000044 06                               push   %es
                           .data:00000045 76 68                            jbe    0x000000af
                           .data:00000047 d5 42                            aad    $0x42
                           .data:00000049 48                               dec    %ax
                           .data:0000004a 66 89 f8                         mov    %edi,%eax
                           .data:0000004d 66 e8 26 f0 06 68                calll  0x6806f079
                           .data:00000053 5c                               pop    %sp
                           .data:00000054 07                               pop    %es
                           .data:00000055 91                               xchg   %ax,%cx
                           .data:00000056 36 78 a4                         ss js  0xfffffffd
                           .data:00000059 78 66                            js     0x000000c1
                           .data:0000005b 83 c4 70                         add    $0x70,%sp
                           .data:0000005e 66 5b                            pop    %ebx
                           .data:00000060 66 5e                            pop    %esi
                           .data:00000062 66 5f                            pop    %edi
                           .data:00000064 66 5d                            pop    %ebp
                           .data:00000066 e9 70 9b                         jmp    0x00009bd9
                           .data:00000069 2e 67 66 8b b6 28 0f 1f f6       mov    %cs:-0x9e0f0d8(%esi),%esi
                           .data:00000072 63 1d                            arpl   %bx,(%di)
                           .data:00000074 26 78 07                         es js  0x0000007e
                           .data:00000077 f8                               clc    
                           .data:00000078 2f                               das    
                           .data:00000079 95                               xchg   %ax,%bp
                           .data:0000007a c2 66 4a                         ret    $0x4a66
                           .data:0000007d 66 81 e2 00 01 67 66             and    $0x66670100,%edx
                           .data:00000084 fb                               sti    
                           .data:00000085 74 fa                            je     0x00000081
                           .data:00000087 66 fa                            data32 cli 
                           .data:00000089 fc                               cld    
                           .data:0000008a 16                               push   %ss
                           .data:0000008b 69 d0 66 89                      imul   $0x8966,%ax,%dx
                           .data:0000008f ea 66 83 ca 80                   ljmp   $0x80ca,$0x8366
                           .data:00000094 67 88 54 24 46                   mov    %dl,0x46(%esp)
                           .data:00000099 7c 64                            jl     0x000000ff
                           .data:0000009b 42                               inc    %dx
                           .data:0000009c 45                               inc    %bp
                           .data:0000009d 86 7c 64                         xchg   %bh,0x64(%si)
                           .data:000000a0 42                               inc    %dx
                           .data:000000a1 42                               inc    %dx
                           .data:000000a2 ff 67 c6                         jmp    *-0x3a(%bx)
                           .data:000000a5 44                               inc    %sp
                           .data:000000a6 24 3f                            and    $0x3f,%al
                           .data:000000a8 f6 6f b6                         imulb  -0x4a(%bx)
                           .data:000000ab db 66 c1                         (bad)  -0x3f(%bp)
                           .data:000000ae e3 10                            jcxz   0x000000c0
                           .data:000000b0 66 81 cb 00 04 06 76             or     $0x76060400,%ebx
                           .data:000000b7 68 95 c2                         push   $0xc295
                           .data:000000ba 41                               inc    %cx
                           .data:000000bb 86 76 6c                         xchg   %dh,0x6c(%bp)
                           .data:000000be 74 42                            je     0x00000102
                           .data:000000c0 41                               inc    %cx
                           .data:000000c1 c0 00 06                         rolb   $0x6,(%bx,%si)
                           .data:000000c4 76 6c                            jbe    0x00000132
                           .data:000000c6 74 42                            je     0x0000010a
                           .data:000000c8 42                               inc    %dx
                           .data:000000c9 01 00                            add    %ax,(%bx,%si)
                           .data:000000cb 68 cd 16                         push   $0x16cd
                           .data:000000ce 6f                               outsw  %ds:(%si),(%dx)
                           .data:000000cf b7 c9                            mov    $0xc9,%bh
                           .data:000000d1 66 c1 e1 46                      shl    $0x46,%ecx
                           .data:000000d5 76 68                            jbe    0x0000013f
                           .data:000000d7 d5 4c                            aad    $0x4c
                           .data:000000d9 46                               inc    %si
                           .data:000000da 76 68                            jbe    0x00000144
                           .data:000000dc 95                               xchg   %ax,%bp
                           .data:000000dd 42                               inc    %dx
                           .data:000000de 42                               inc    %dx
                           .data:000000df 46                               inc    %si
                           .data:000000e0 76 6c                            jbe    0x0000014e
                           .data:000000e2 74 42                            je     0x00000126
                           .data:000000e4 42                               inc    %dx
                           .data:000000e5 81 00 02 67                      addw   $0x6702,(%bx,%si)
                           .data:000000e9 66 8d 5c 24                      lea    0x24(%si),%ebx
                           .data:000000ed 86 76 68                         xchg   %dh,0x68(%bp)
                           .data:000000f0 d1 41 96                         rolw   -0x6a(%bx,%di)
                           .data:000000f3 76 68                            jbe    0x0000015d
                           .data:000000f5 95                               xchg   %ax,%bp
                           .data:000000f6 42                               inc    %dx
                           .data:000000f7 42                               inc    %dx
                           .data:000000f8 c6                               (bad)  
                           .data:000000f9 76 6c                            jbe    0x00000167
                           .data:000000fb 74 42                            je     0x0000013f
                           .data:000000fd 43                               inc    %bx
                           .data:000000fe 00 08                            add    %cl,(%bx,%si)
                           .data:00000100 28 76 76                         sub    %dh,0x76(%bp)
                           .data:00000103 6c                               insb   (%dx),%es:(%di)
                           .data:00000104 74 42                            je     0x00000148
                           .data:00000106 43                               inc    %bx
                           .data:00000107 41                               inc    %cx
                           .data:00000108 80 00 67                         addb   $0x67,(%bx,%si)
                           .data:0000010b 66 c7 44 24 38 20 07 67          movl   $0x67072038,0x24(%si)
                           .data:00000113 66 8d 54 c6                      lea    -0x3a(%si),%edx
                           .data:00000117 67 66 89 54 24 3c                mov    %edx,0x3c(%esp)
                           .data:0000011d 67 66 c7 44 24 40 00 05 06 76    movl   $0x76060500,0x40(%esp)
                           .data:00000127 6c                               insb   (%dx),%es:(%di)
                           .data:00000128 74 42                            je     0x0000016c
                           .data:0000012a 44                               inc    %sp
                           .data:0000012b 40                               inc    %ax
                           .data:0000012c 00 06 76 6c                      add    %al,0x6c76
                           .data:00000130 74 42                            je     0x00000174
                           .data:00000132 44                               inc    %sp
                           .data:00000133 82                               (bad)  
                           .data:00000134 00 76 76                         add    %dh,0x76(%bp)
                           .data:00000137 68 95 42                         push   $0x4295
                           .data:0000013a 44                               inc    %sp
                           .data:0000013b c6                               (bad)  
                           .data:0000013c 76 68                            jbe    0x000001a6
                           .data:0000013e 94                               xchg   %ax,%sp
                           .data:0000013f 42                               inc    %dx
                           .data:00000140 45                               inc    %bp
                           .data:00000141 06                               push   %es
                           .data:00000142 76 68                            jbe    0x000001ac
                           .data:00000144 b7 67                            mov    $0x67,%bh
                           .data:00000146 66 89 44 24                      mov    %eax,0x24(%si)
                           .data:0000014a 54                               push   %sp
                           .data:0000014b 67 66 c7 44 24 58 10 03 67 66    movl   $0x66670310,0x58(%esp)
                           .data:00000155 8d 44 c2                         lea    -0x3e(%si),%ax
                           .data:00000158 67 66 89 44 24 5c                mov    %eax,0x5c(%esp)
                           .data:0000015e 67 66 c7 44 24 60 10 07 67 66    movl   $0x66670710,0x60(%esp)
                           .data:00000168 8d 44 c3                         lea    -0x3d(%si),%ax
                           .data:0000016b 67 66 89 44 24 64                mov    %eax,0x64(%esp)
                           .data:00000171 67 66 c7 44 24 68 00 89 86 76    movl   $0x76868900,0x68(%esp)
                           .data:0000017b 6c                               insb   (%dx),%es:(%di)
                           .data:0000017c 74 42                            je     0x000001c0
                           .data:0000017e 46                               inc    %si
                           .data:0000017f c0 00 06                         rolb   $0x6,(%bx,%si)
                           .data:00000182 76 68                            jbe    0x000001ec
                           .data:00000184 d4 cc                            aam    $0xcc
                           .data:00000186 18 66 89                         sbb    %ah,-0x77(%bp)
                           .data:00000189 f3 67 66 8d 56 2c                repz lea 0x2c(%esi),%edx
                           .data:0000018f 88 c8                            mov    %cl,%al
                           .data:00000191 ee                               out    %al,(%dx)
                           .data:00000192 66 89 c8                         mov    %ecx,%eax
                           .data:00000195 66 c1 e8 86                      shr    $0x86,%eax
                           .data:00000199 76 68                            jbe    0x00000203
                           .data:0000019b d5 62                            aad    $0x62
                           .data:0000019d de e6                            fsubrp %st,%st(6)
                           .data:0000019f 68 9c 86                         push   $0x869c
                           .data:000001a2 6c                               insb   (%dx),%es:(%di)
                           .data:000001a3 1e                               push   %ds
                           .data:000001a4 81 06 76 68 d5 62                addw   $0x62d5,0x6876
And that is some of disassembly output.
Code looks like a garbage.

Also there is
.data:0000003a d0 (bad)
at early start.

Am I doing something wrong? How should I load BIOS to memory?

And if the BIOS is 256 kilobytes, there is no space for VGABIOS, does 256 kb SeaBIOS include SeaVGABIOS?
If not, where will I load the VGABIOS?

Also I'm compiling on Windows, how can I compile SeaBIOS from its source, I use MSYS with make but compilation fails full of errors.

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Re: x86 emulator, Seabios problems.

Post by iansjack »

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Re: x86 emulator, Seabios problems.

Post by mikegonta »

Agola wrote:I'm making a *really* simple x86 emulator that I'm going to use with my os.
Currently I'm writing it as a program for Windows to easily debug and finish. After it starts working, I'll port the sources to Agola.
I'm using Seabios as its BIOS.
It is 256 kb, then I map it to virtual RAM, 0xC0000 to 0xFFFFF.
I made cs:ip to point to 0xFFFF0 like real 8086.
Then the first instruction at 0xFFFF0 is jump 0xF000:0xE05B, it is correct.
That is the debug output from virtual cpu:
CS: ffff EIP: 00000000 | long jump to fe05b
But after jump, something goes bad.

Code: Select all

.data:00000000 2e 66 83 3e 88 70 0f  cmpl $0xf,%cs:0x7088
; ...
And that is some of disassembly output.
Code looks like a garbage.
That's what you get when you disasemble 16 bit code as 32 bit.
Agola wrote:And if the BIOS is 256 kilobytes, there is no space for VGABIOS, does 256 kb SeaBIOS include SeaVGABIOS?
If not, where will I load the VGABIOS?
Simply load the VGABIOS to 0xC0000, or better still merely combine it with the SeaBIOS binary to create a single image (if you look at
the SeaBIOS binary you will see that there is an empty space place holder at the beginning for just purpose).
Mike Gonta
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Re: x86 emulator, Seabios problems.

Post by Agola »

mikegonta wrote:
Agola wrote:I'm making a *really* simple x86 emulator that I'm going to use with my os.
Currently I'm writing it as a program for Windows to easily debug and finish. After it starts working, I'll port the sources to Agola.
I'm using Seabios as its BIOS.
It is 256 kb, then I map it to virtual RAM, 0xC0000 to 0xFFFFF.
I made cs:ip to point to 0xFFFF0 like real 8086.
Then the first instruction at 0xFFFF0 is jump 0xF000:0xE05B, it is correct.
That is the debug output from virtual cpu:
CS: ffff EIP: 00000000 | long jump to fe05b
But after jump, something goes bad.

Code: Select all

.data:00000000 2e 66 83 3e 88 70 0f  cmpl $0xf,%cs:0x7088
; ...
And that is some of disassembly output.
Code looks like a garbage.
That's what you get when you disasemble 16 bit code as 32 bit.
Agola wrote:And if the BIOS is 256 kilobytes, there is no space for VGABIOS, does 256 kb SeaBIOS include SeaVGABIOS?
If not, where will I load the VGABIOS?
Simply load the VGABIOS to 0xC0000, or better still merely combine it with the SeaBIOS binary to create a single image (if you look at
the SeaBIOS binary you will see that there is an empty space place holder at the beginning for just purpose).
I select i8086 option in disassembler:

Its correct, isn't it?
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Re: x86 emulator, Seabios problems.

Post by mikegonta »

Agola wrote:I select i8086 option in disassembler:
Its correct, isn't it?
mikegonta wrote:That's what you get when you disassemble 16 bit code as 32 bit.
Actually, (I wasn't looking close enough) that's what you get when the online disassembler incorrectly disassembles 32 bit real mode
(which is technically not 8086) code as 32 bit protected mode. [EDIT: Actually, it's what you get when the disassembler is expecting
2 digit hex numbers and it gets some single digits which it then combines.]
It works better if you select i8086 before pasting the code. For the benefit of the human forum readers I also selected (while in the
default beginning Platform:i386) Syntax Style intel-mnemonic.
IDA Freeware is an excellent disassembler.
Last edited by mikegonta on Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mike Gonta
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Re: x86 emulator, Seabios problems.

Post by Agola »

mikegonta wrote:
Agola wrote:I select i8086 option in disassembler:
Its correct, isn't it?
mikegonta wrote:That's what you get when you disassemble 16 bit code as 32 bit.
Actually, (I wasn't looking close enough) that's what you get when the online disassembler incorrectly disassembles 32 bit real mode
(which is technically not 8086) code as 32 bit protected mode.
It works better if you select i8086 before pasting the code. For the benefit of the human forum readers I also selected (while in the
default beginning Platform:i386) Syntax Style intel-mnemonic.
IDA Freeware is an excellent disassembler.
Even after pasting the code and selecting intel-mnemonic and default i386 settings, I get a different output.
That is strange

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Re: x86 emulator, Seabios problems.

Post by mikegonta »

Agola wrote:Even after pasting the code and selecting intel-mnemonic and default i386 settings, I get a different output.
That is strange
The disassembler is expecting 2 digit hex numbers and you have pasted some single digits which it has combined resulting in the wrong code.
HxD is an excellent Freeware Hex Editor and Disk Editor.
Mike Gonta
look and see - many look but few see

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Re: x86 emulator, Seabios problems.

Post by Agola »

mikegonta wrote:
Agola wrote:Even after pasting the code and selecting intel-mnemonic and default i386 settings, I get a different output.
That is strange
The disassembler is expecting 2 digit hex numbers and you have pasted some single digits which it has combined resulting in the wrong code.
Ah, my bad. I changed hexdump with 2 digit hexes, and output looks usual.
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