A Java kernel

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Re: A Java kernel

Post by NunoLava1998 »

Actually there was once a OS that was made in Java.

It failed terribly.
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Re: A Java kernel

Post by NunoLava1998 »

iansjack wrote:
Lukand wrote: Btw why would somebody want to have Java/C#/VB kernel? It is such a terrible idea, as they are beginner programming languages.
Even a half-decent beginner programmer wouldn't make such a silly statement.
I tried to make a BIOS/Emulator in Batch and ended up failing beacuse i needed to program the entire 0F opcode.

It has like 60 separate opcodes in it.
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Re: A Java kernel

Post by StudlyCaps »

NunoLava1998 wrote: I tried to make a BIOS/Emulator in Batch and ended up failing beacuse i needed to program the entire 0F opcode.

It has like 60 separate opcodes in it.
Do you mean to say you tried to make an x86 emulator, in a .bat file? That's actually kinda terrifying!
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Re: A Java kernel

Post by Schol-R-LEA »

NunoLava1998 wrote:Actually there was once a OS that was made in Java.
Did it live in a hole in the ground? (Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat, of course.)

Actually, there have been several Java based OSes over the years. As for failing... well, none of them took the desktop by storm, but given that most of the were for embedded systems, that's far from a failure. However, if you mean Sun JavaOS specifically, it was a failure mainly in that it was targeting a market (diskless workstations and netstations) that didn't actually exist, so it's technical merits were pretty much irrelevant.
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