I've ran into a problem recently. While waking up the APs, some get woken up, and usually one or two don't. I've been running some tests and here are the results (pc = 0x95 is the only valid IP, because I place my smp trampoline code at 0x0):
QEMU with -smp 2:
Code: Select all
* CPU #0: pc=0xffffffff8010e3b1 (halted) thread_id=14502
CPU #1: pc=0x0000000000000095 (halted) thread_id=14503
Code: Select all
* CPU #0: pc=0xffffffff8010e3b1 (halted) thread_id=14665
CPU #1: pc=0x0000000000000095 (halted) thread_id=14666
CPU #2: pc=0x00000000000fec56 (halted) thread_id=14667
Code: Select all
* CPU #0: pc=0xffffffff8010e3b1 (halted) thread_id=14801
CPU #1: pc=0x0000000000000095 (halted) thread_id=14802
CPU #2: pc=0x00000000000fec56 (halted) thread_id=14803
CPU #3: pc=0x0000000000000095 (halted) thread_id=14804
Right now I'm reading from the MADT to get every "enabled" CPU.
This is my WakeUpProcessor function:
Code: Select all
void SendIPI(uint8_t id, uint32_t type, uint32_t page)
*lapic_ipiid |= (uint32_t)id << 24;
uint64_t icr = type << 8;
icr |= page & 0xFF;
icr |= (1 << 14);
// BAD HACK: We shouldn't use broadcast to all but self, but instead fix the existing code to work on qemu
//icr |= (3 << 18); With this uncommented, every CPU wakes up
*lapic_icr = icr;
void WakeUpProcessor(uint8_t lapicid)
SendIPI(lapicid, 5, 0);
uint64_t tick = get_tick_count();
while(get_tick_count() - tick < 200)
asm volatile("hlt");
core_stack = (volatile uint64_t)Memory::GetVirtualPages(1, 2, VMM_TYPE_STACK, VMM_WRITE) + 0x2000;
Memory::Map((void*)(core_stack - 0x2000), 2, VMM_WRITE | VMM_GLOBAL | VMM_NOEXEC);
SendIPI(lapicid, 6, 0);
tick = get_tick_count();
while(get_tick_count() - tick < 1000)
if(ap_done == 1)
printf("AP core woke up! LAPICID %d at tick %d\n", lapicid, get_tick_count());
if(ap_done == 0)
printf("Trying second SIPI\n");
SendIPI(lapicid, 6, 0);
tick = get_tick_count();
while(get_tick_count() - tick < 1000)
if(ap_done == 1)
printf("AP core woke up! LAPICID %d at tick %d\n", lapicid, get_tick_count());
if(ap_done == 0)
printf("Failed to start an AP with LAPICID %d\n", lapicid);
ap_done = 0;
Notice the AP initialization might be a bit broken since I'm trying to get all the CPUs to wake up before actually using them.
Best regards,