I need any version of Bochs is running smoothly the network. I'm trying to use the Bochs 2.6.6 E1000 on host WinXP SP2 x64 with WinPCap 4.1.2 but I only an error: Also test Bochs 2.4.5 on Debian 6.0.5 on MS VPC 2007 virtual machine and iPXE boots from a PXE server but only if I set the MAC address exactly the same as the real address of the network card.
Unfortunately still not work SANBOOT & SANHOOK commands

I trying all possibilities: ne2k ISA, ne2k PCI, E1000
I trying also Bochs 2.6.8 on Windows and no error Could not open adapter for ethernet reception but still network problems and not work good

Does anyone use Bochs where I work without a network problem? If so, please write exactly what configuration:
- What the host OS?
- What version of WinPCap?
- What version of Bochs?
- Which card ne2k or E1000?
- What MAC address - any or exactly MAC of real NIC?