Code: Select all
; boot1.nasm
; Stage 1 of boot process. Loads stage 2 into 0x600.
ORG 0x7C00
; This stage tries not to use the stack
jmp 0:start
; Data
error db "Bootloader Stage 1 failed. Error Letter: "
errorletter db 0
error2 db ". Error Code: 0x"
errorcode dw 0
error3 db ".",0
drive db 0
db 0x10, 0 ; Header
dw 0x10 ; 16 sectors
dw 0x600
dw 0x0
dq 0
; Text
; Starts at 0x7D00 to make debugging more convenient
times 256 - ($-$$) db 0
; Store any registers we want to keep
mov byte [drive], dl
; If drive is 0, set to 0x80
cmp byte [drive], 0
jne .regc
mov byte [drive], 0x80
; Reset segment registers
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov ss, ax
mov es, ax
jmp load_stage2
; Setup error code (stored in ah)
; Error letter (stored in al). followed by hexified error code will print
mov [errorletter], al
mov al, ah
and ax, 0x0FF0
shr al, 4
add ah, 48
add al, 48
cmp al, 58
jl .check1
add al, 7
cmp ah, 58
jl .check2
add ah, 7
mov [errorcode], ax
; Start printing
mov bl, 4Fh ; White on Red
mov cx, 1
xor dh, dh
xor dl, dl
xor si, si
xor bh, bh
; Set cursor position (starts 0,0)
mov ah, 02h
int 10h
; Write charater
mov ah, 09h
mov al, [error+si]
int 10h
inc si
inc dl
cmp byte [error+si], 0
jne .fail_loop
jmp hang
; Copy the first 5 sectors of the disk (boot1+boot2) to 0x600
; Check INT13 extensions
mov ah, 41h
mov dl, [drive]
mov bx, 0x55AA
int 13h
mov ah, [drive]
mov al, 'D' ;Error Letter D
jnc .lba
; Reset Disk
xor ax, ax
mov dl, 0x80
int 13h
inc dl
mov ah, 0x80
mov al, 'E' ;Error Letter E
cmp cl, 0
je fail
mov ah, 02h
mov al, 15
mov ch, 0
mov cl, 1
mov dh, 0
mov dl, 0x80
mov bx, 0x600
int 13h
mov al, 'C' ;Error Letter C
jc fail
jmp check_stage2
mov ah, 42h
mov dl, [drive]
mov si, diskpacket
int 13h
mov al, 'A' ;Error Letter A
jc fail
; If the disk was read correctly then memory 0x7d00-0x7e00 (text from
; boot1) should be the same as 0x700-0x800. (0x7c00-0xd00 contains writable
; variables)
mov si, 0x700
mov ax, 0x0142 ;Error letter B, code 0x01
mov ebx, [si+0x7600]
cmp ebx, [si]
jne fail
add si, 4
cmp si, 0x800
jne .check_loop
jmp 0:0x800
times 510 - ($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55
Code: Select all
$ nasm -f bin -o boot1.img boot1.nasm
$ cat boot1.img boot2.img > boot.img
$ python
$ qemu-system-i386 -drive file=andromedos.img,media=disk,format=raw
$ sudo dd if=boot.img of=/dev/sdb